Tom Swift in Captivity, or a Daring Escape By Airship eBook

Victor Appleton
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 181 pages of information about Tom Swift in Captivity, or a Daring Escape By Airship.

Tom Swift in Captivity, or a Daring Escape By Airship eBook

Victor Appleton
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 181 pages of information about Tom Swift in Captivity, or a Daring Escape By Airship.

“Everyone take a window!” yelled Tom.  “Don’t kill any one if you can help it.  Shoot to disable, Rad.  Mr. Poddington, there’s an extra shotgun somewhere about!  See if you can find it.  We’ll use the electric rifles.  Get those Roman candles somebody!”

Tom was like a general giving orders, and once his friends realized that he was managing things they felt more confidence.  Ned grasped his electric rifle, as did Mr. Damon, and they stood ready to use them.

“The strongest stunning charge!” ordered the young inventor.  “Something that will lay ’em out for a good while.  We’ll teach ’em a lesson!”


That was Eradicate’s shotgun going off.  It had a double load in it, and the wonder of it was that the barrel did not burst.  It sounded like a small cannon, but it had the good effect of checking the first rush of giants, for the electric rifles had not yet been adjusted, and Mr. Poddington, in the light of the single electric torch that had been left burning, could find neither the spare shotgun nor the Roman candles.


Eradicate let the other barrel go, almost in the faces of the advancing giants, but over their heads, for he bore in mind Tom’s words not to injure.

“That’s the stuff!” cried Tom.  “Come on now, Ned, we’re ready for ’em!”

But the giants had retreated, and could be seen standing in groups about the hut, evidently planning what to do next.  Then from back in the village there shone a glare of light.

“Bless my insurance policy!  It’s a fire!” cried Mr. Damon.  “They’re going to burn us out!”

“Jove!  If they do!” exclaimed Ned.

“We mustn’t let ’em!” shouted Tom.  “Fire, Ned!”

Together the chums discharged their electric rifles at the enemy and a number of them fell, stunned, and were carried away by their companions.

The glaring light approached and now it could be seen that it was caused by a number of the big men carrying torches of some kind of blazing wood.  It did look as though they intended to fire the prison hut.

“Give ’em another taste of it!” shouted Ned, and this time the three electric rifles shot out their streaks of blue flame, for Mr. Damon had his in action.  It was still dark in the hut, for to set aglow more of the electric torches meant that Tom and his friends would be exposed to view, and would be the targets for the arrows, or darts from the deadly blow guns.

Several more of the giants toppled over, and then began a retreat to some distance, the first squad of fighters going to meet the men who had come up with the torches.  There was no sign of women or children.

“Shall we fire again?” asked Ned.

“No,” answered Tom.  “Save your ammunition until they are closer, and we’ll be surer of our marks.  Besides, if they let us alone that’s all we ask.  We don’t want to hurt ’em.”

“Bless my gizzard!” exclaimed Mr. Damon.  “I wonder why they attacked us, anyhow?”

Project Gutenberg
Tom Swift in Captivity, or a Daring Escape By Airship from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.