Tom Swift in Captivity, or a Daring Escape By Airship eBook

Victor Appleton
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 181 pages of information about Tom Swift in Captivity, or a Daring Escape By Airship.

Tom Swift in Captivity, or a Daring Escape By Airship eBook

Victor Appleton
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 181 pages of information about Tom Swift in Captivity, or a Daring Escape By Airship.

“It can’t be too soon for me.  I’ll deposit a certain sum in the bank to your credit, Tom, and you can draw on it for expenses.  I’ll pay any amount to get word of poor Jake, to say nothing of having a giant for my circus.  Now as to ways of getting there.  Have you a large map of South America?”

Tom had one, and he and the others were pouring over it when Tom’s father came into the room.

“Well, well!” he exclaimed.  “What’s this?  What are you up to now, Tom, my boy?  Mrs. Baggert said you took down the South American map.  What’s up?”

“Lots, dad?  I’m going after giants this time!”

“Giants, Tom?  Are you joking?”

“Not a bit of it, Mr. Swift,” answered Mr. Damon.  “Bless my check book!  I believe if some one wanted the moon Tom Swift would try to get it for them.”

Then Mr. Swift noticed the stranger present, and was introduced to the circus man.

“Is it really true, Tom,” asked the aged inventor, when the story had been related, “are you going to have a try for giant land?”

“That’s what I am, dad, and I wish you were going along.”

“No, Tom, I’m getting too old for that.  But I did hope you’d stay home for a while, and help me work on my gyroscope invention.  It is almost completed.”

“I will help you, dad, as soon as I get back with a giant or two.  Who knows? maybe I’ll get one myself.”

“What would you do with one?” asked Ned with a laugh.

“Have him help Eradicate,” answered the young inventor.  “Rad is getting pretty old, and he needs an assistant.”

“But are these giants black?” asked Mr. Swift.

“That’s a point I don’t know,” answered the circus man frankly.  “Jake didn’t say in his letter.  They may be black, white or midway between.  That’s what Tom has got to find out for us.”

“And I’ll do it!” exclaimed our hero.  “Now let’s see.  I suppose the best plan would be to take a ship right to the Rio de la Plata, landing say at Buenos Ayres or Montevideo, and then organize an expedition to strike into the interior.”

“Why don’t you do just as Mr. Poddington did?” asked Ned, “start from the Amazon and work south?”

“It would take too long,” declared Tom.  “We know that the giants are somewhere in the northern part of Argentina, or in Paraguay or Uruguay.  Or they may be on the other side of the Uruguay river in Brazil.  It’s quite a stretch of territory, and we’ve got to take our time exploring it.  That’s why I don’t want to waste time working down from the Amazon.  We’ll go right to Buenos Ayres, I think.”

“That’s what I’d do,” advised the old circus man.  “Now I can give you some points on what to take, and how to act when you get there.  The South Americans are a queer people—­very nice when treated right, but very bad if not,” and then he told some of his experiences as a circus man in South America, for he had traveled there.

Project Gutenberg
Tom Swift in Captivity, or a Daring Escape By Airship from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.