The Small House at Allington eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 972 pages of information about The Small House at Allington.

The Small House at Allington eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 972 pages of information about The Small House at Allington.

“Mr Eames?” said Sir Raffle, speaking with a peculiarly harsh voice, and looking at the culprit through a pair of gold-rimmed glasses, which he perched for the occasion upon his big nose.  “Isn’t that Mr Eames?”

“Yes,” said the assistant secretary, “this is Eames.”

“Ah!”—­and then there was a pause.  “Come a little nearer, Mr Eames, will you?” and Johnny drew nearer, advancing noiselessly over the Turkey carpet.

“Let me see; in the second class, isn’t he?  Ah!  Do you know, Mr Eames, that I have received a letter from the secretary to the Directors of the Great Western Railway Company, detailing circumstances which,—­if truly stated in that letter,—­redound very much to your discredit?”

“I did get into a row there yesterday, sir.”

“Got into a row!  It seems to me that you have got into a very serious row, and that I must tell the Directors of the Great Western Railway Company that the law must be allowed to take its course.”

“I shan’t mind that, sir, in the least,” said Eames, brightening up a little under this view of the case.

“Not mind that, sir!” said Sir Raffle—­or rather, he shouted out the words at the offender before him.  I am inclined to think that he overdid it, missing the effect which a milder tone might have attained.  Perhaps there was lacking to him some of that majesty of demeanour and dramatic propriety of voice which had been so efficacious in the little story as to the King’s bag of letters.  As it was, Johnny gave a slight jump, but after his jump he felt better than he had been before.  “Not mind, sir, being dragged before the criminal tribunals of your country, and being punished as a felon,—­or rather as a misdemeanour,—­for an outrage committed on a public platform!  Not mind it!  What do you mean, sir?”

“I mean, that I don’t think the magistrate would say very much about it, sir.  And I don’t think Mr Crosbie would come forward.”

“But Mr Crosbie must come forward, young man.  Do you suppose that an outrage against the peace of the Metropolis is to go unpunished because he may not wish to pursue the matter?  I’m afraid you must be very ignorant, young man.”

“Perhaps I am,” said Johnny.

“Very ignorant indeed,—­very ignorant indeed.  And are you aware, sir, that it would become a question with the Commissioners of this Board whether you could be retained in the service of this department if you were publicly punished by a police magistrate for such a disgraceful outrage as that?”

Johnny looked round at the other Commissioner, but that gentleman did not raise his face from his papers.

“Mr Eames is a very good clerk,” whispered the assistant secretary, but in a voice which made his words audible to Eames; “one of the best young men we have,” he added in a voice which was not audible.

“Oh,—­ah; very well.  Now, I’ll tell you what, Mr Eames.  I hope this will be a lesson to you,—­a very serious lesson.”

Project Gutenberg
The Small House at Allington from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.