The Small House at Allington eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 972 pages of information about The Small House at Allington.

The Small House at Allington eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 972 pages of information about The Small House at Allington.

“I do not know what he thinks; I must only beg that you will not mix me up in the matter—­as though I were a participator in his offence.”

“Will you tell him from me that I desire to see him?”

“I do not think that that would do any good.”

“Never mind, sir; you have brought me his message; will you have the goodness now to take back mine to him?”

“Do you mean at once,—­this evening,—­now?”

“Yes, at once,—­this evening,—­now;—­this minute.”

“Ah; he has left the club; he is not here now; he went when I came to you.”

“Then he is a coward as well as a scoundrel.”  In answer to which assertion, Mr Fowler Pratt merely shrugged his shoulders.

“He is a coward as well as a scoundrel.  Will you have the kindness to tell your friend from me that he is a coward and a scoundrel,—­and a liar, sir.”

“If it be so, Miss Dale is well quit of her engagement.”

“That is your consolation, is it?  That may be all very well nowadays; but when I was a young man, I would sooner have burnt out my tongue than have spoken in such a way on such a subject.  I would, indeed.  Good-night, Mr Pratt.  Pray make your friend understand that he has not yet seen the last of the Dales; although, as you hint, the ladies of that family will no doubt have learned that he is not fit to associate with them.”  Then, taking up his hat, the squire made his way out of the club.

“I would not have done it,” said Pratt to himself, “for all the beauty, and all the wealth, and all the rank that ever were owned by a woman.”


Lord de Courcy in the Bosom of His Family

Lady Julia De Guest had not during her life written many letters to Mr Dale of Allington, nor had she ever been very fond of him.  But when she felt certain how things were going at Courcy, or rather, as we may say, how they had already gone, she took pen in hand, and set herself to work, doing, as she conceived, her duty by her neighbour.

   My dear Mr Dale [she said],

I believe I need make no secret of having known that your niece Lilian is engaged to Mr Crosbie, of London.  I think it proper to warn you that if this be true Mr Crosbie is behaving himself in a very improper manner here.  I am not a person who concerns myself much in the affairs of other people; and under ordinary circumstances, the conduct of Mr Crosbie would be nothing to me,—­or, indeed, less than nothing; but I do to you as I would wish that others should do unto me.  I believe it is only too true that Mr Crosbie has proposed to Lady Alexandrina de Courcy, and been accepted by her.  I think you will believe that I would not say this without warrant, and if there be anything in it, it may be well, for the poor young lady’s sake, that you should put yourself in the way of learning the truth.

   Believe me to be yours sincerely,

Project Gutenberg
The Small House at Allington from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.