Heart-Histories and Life-Pictures eBook

Timothy Shay Arthur
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 274 pages of information about Heart-Histories and Life-Pictures.

Heart-Histories and Life-Pictures eBook

Timothy Shay Arthur
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 274 pages of information about Heart-Histories and Life-Pictures.
the maiden dropped a bashful courtesy, and then each passed on; but neither to forget the other.  When Mark turned, after a few steps, to gaze after the sweet wild flower he had met so unexpectedly, he saw the face again, for she had turned also.  He did not go home on that evening, until he had seen the lovely being who glanced before him in her native beauty, enter a neat little cottage that stood half a mile from Fairview, nearly hidden by vines, and overshadowed by two tall sycamores.

On the next morning Mark took his way toward the cottage with his gun.  As he drew near, the sweet voice he had heard on the day before was warbling tenderly an old song his mother had sung when he was but a child; and with the air and words so well remembered, came a gentleness of feeling, and a love of what was pure and innocent, such as he had not experienced for many years.  In this state of mind he entered the little porch, and stood listening for several minutes to the voice that still flung itself plaintively or joyfully upon the air, according to the sentiment breathed in the words that were clothed in music; then as the voice became silent, he rapped gently at the door, which, in a few moments, was opened by the one whose attractions had drawn him thither.

A warm color mantled the young girl’s face as her eyes fell upon so unexpected a visitor.  She remembered him as the young man she had met on the evening before; about whom she had dreamed all night, and thought much since the early morning.  Mark bowed, and, as an excuse for calling, asked if her mother were at home.

“My mother died when I was but a child,” replied the girl, shrinking back a step or two; for Mark was gazing earnestly into her face.

“Ah!  Then you are living with your—­your—­”

“Mrs. Lee has been a mother to me since then,” said she, dropping her eyes to the floor.

“Then I will see the good woman who has taken your mother’s place.”  Mark stepped in as he spoke, and took a chair in the neat little sitting room into which the door opened.

“She has gone over to Mr. Lofton’s,” said the girl, in reply, “and won’t be back for an hour.”

“Has she, indeed?  Then you know Mr. Lofton?”

“Oh, yes.  We know him very well.  He owns our little cottage.”

“Does he!  No doubt you find him a good landland.”

“He’s a kind man,” said the girl, earnestly.

“He is, as I have good reason to know,” remarked the young man.  “Mr. Lofton is my grandfather.”

The girl seemed much surprised at this avowal, and appeared less at ease than before.

“And now, having told you who I am,” said Mark, “I think I may be bold enough to ask your name.”

“My name is Jenny Lawson,” replied the girl.

“A pretty name, that—­Jenny—­I always liked the sound of it.  My mother’s name was Jenny.  Did you ever see my mother?  But don’t tremble so!  Sit down, and tell your fluttering heart to be still.”

Project Gutenberg
Heart-Histories and Life-Pictures from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.