The Allen House eBook

Timothy Shay Arthur
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 282 pages of information about The Allen House.

The Allen House eBook

Timothy Shay Arthur
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 282 pages of information about The Allen House.

“Well, Doctor, he came home last evening looking as white as a sheet.  I almost screamed out when I saw the strange, suffering expression on his colorless face.  My first thought was that he had fallen somewhere, and been hurt dreadfully.  He tried to pass me without stopping; but I put both hands on him, and said—­’Oh, Henry! what does ail you?’ ‘Nothing of any account,’ he answered, in a low, husky tone.  ’I don’t feel right well, and am going to my room to lie down.’  And saying this, he brushed right past me, and went up stairs.  I followed after him, but when I tried his door it was fastened on the inside.  I called three times before he answered, and then he said—­’Mother, I’m not sick; but I feel bad and want to be alone.  Please don’t disturb me to-night.’  I don’t think I would have known the voice if it hadn’t been just then and there.  Knowing his disposition, anxious and troubled as I was, I felt that it would be best for the time being to let him alone.  And I did so.  For an hour or more all in his room was as still as death, and I began to grow very uneasy.  Then I heard his feet upon the floor moving about.  I heard him walk to his bureau—­my ears served me for eyes—­then to the mantlepiece, and then to the window.  All was still again for some minutes.  My heart beat like a hammer, as one vague suggestion after another floated through my mind.  Then he crossed the room with a slow step; turned and went back again; and so kept on walking to and fro.  I listened, waiting for the sound to cease; nut he walked on and on, backwards and forwards, backwards and forwards, tramp, tramp, tramp, until it seemed as if every jarring footfall was on my heart.  Oh, Doctor!  I never had anything to affect me so before in my whole life.  An hour passed, and still he walked the floor of his room.  I could bear it no longer, and went and called to him.  But he seemed deaf, and made no reply.  I rattled at the lock and called again and again.  Then he came close to the door, and said, speaking a little impatiently for him—­

’Mother!  Mother!  For Heaven’s sake don’t trouble me!  I don’t feel just right, and you must let me alone for the present.’

“Well, he kept on walking for an hour longer, and then everything was still in his room for the night.  This morning on trying his door it was unfastened.  I went in.  He was lying in bed wide awake.  But, oh! such a change as I saw in his face.  It was colorless as on the evening before; but less expressive of emotion.  A dead calm seemed to have settled upon it.  I took his hand; it was cold.  I pressed his forehead; it was cold also.  ‘Henry, my son, how are you?’ I asked.  He did not reply; but looked in my face with a cold, steady gaze that chilled me.  ‘Are you sick, my son?’ He merely shook his head slowly.  ‘Has anything happened?  What has happened?’ I pressed my question upon him; but it was of no use.  He would not satisfy me.  I then asked if he would not rise.  ‘Not yet,’ he said.  ’Shall I bring you some breakfast?’ ‘No—­no—­I cannot eat.’  And he shook his head and shut his eyes, while there came into his face a look so sad and suffering that as I gazed on him I could not keep the tears back.

Project Gutenberg
The Allen House from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.