Mont-Saint-Michel and Chartres eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 523 pages of information about Mont-Saint-Michel and Chartres.

Mont-Saint-Michel and Chartres eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 523 pages of information about Mont-Saint-Michel and Chartres.

Dirai je:  tant com une jame
 Vaut de pailes et de sardines
 Vaut la contesse de reines?

Christian chose curious similes.  His dame surpassed all living rivals as smoke passes the winds that blow in May; or as much as a gem would buy of straws and sardines is the Countess worth in queens.  Louis XIV would have thought that Christian might be laughing at him, but court styles changed with their masters.  Louis XIV would scarcely have written a prison-song to his sister such as Richard Coeur-de-Lion wrote to Mary of Champagne:—­

Ja nus bons pris ne dirat sa raison
 Adroitement s’ansi com dolans non;
 Mais par confort puet il faire chanson. 
 Moult ai d’amins, mais povre sont li don;
 Honte en avront se por ma reancon
 Suix ces deus yvers pris.

Ceu sevent bien mi home et mi baron,
 Englois, Normant, Poitevin et Gascon,
 Ke je n’avoie si povre compaingnon
 Cui je laissasse por avoir au prixon. 
 Je nel di pas por nulle retraison,
 Mais ancor suix je pris.

Or sai ge bien de voir certainement
 Ke mors ne pris n’ait amin ne parent,
 Cant on me lait por or ne por argent. 
 Moult m’est de moi, mais plus m’est de ma gent
 C’apres ma mort avront reprochier grant
 Se longement suix pris.

N’est pas mervelle se j’ai lo cuer dolent
 Cant li miens sires tient ma terre en torment. 
 S’or li menbroit de nostre sairement
 Ke nos feismes andui communament,
 Bien sai de voir ke ceans longement
 Ne seroie pas pris.

Ce sevent bien Angevin et Torain,
 Cil bacheler ki or sont fort et sain,
 C’ancombreis suix long d’aus en autrui main. 
 Forment m’amoient, mais or ne m’aimment grain. 
 De belles armes sont ores veut cil plain,
 Por tant ke je suix pris.

Mes compaingnons cui j’amoie et cui j’aim,
 Ces dou Caheu et ces dou Percherain,
 Me di, chanson, kil ne sont pas certain,

C’onques vers aus n’en oi cuer faus ne vain. 
 S’il me guerroient, il font moult que villain
 Tant com je serai pris.

Comtesse suer, vostre pris soverain
 Vos saut et gart cil a cui je me claim
 Et par cui je suix pris. 
 Je n’ou di pas de celi de Chartain
 La meire Loweis.

No prisoner can tell his honest thought
 Unless he speaks as one who suffers wrong;
 But for his comfort he may make a song. 
 My friends are many, but their gifts are naught. 
 Shame will be theirs, if, for my ransom, here
 I lie another year.

They know this well, my barons and my men,
 Normandy, England, Gascony, Poitou,
 That I had never follower so low
 Whom I would leave in prison to my gain. 
 I say it not for a reproach to them,
 But prisoner I am!

The ancient proverb now I know for sure: 
 Death and a prison know nor kin nor tie,
 Since for mere lack of gold they let me lie. 
 Much for myself I grieve; for them still more. 
 After my death they will have grievous wrong
 If I am prisoner long.

Project Gutenberg
Mont-Saint-Michel and Chartres from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.