Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 125 pages of information about Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion.

Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 125 pages of information about Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion.
temper will not be able, during any time, to preserve the poor appearance of scepticism.  And for what reason impose on himself such a violence?  This is a point in which it will be impossible for him ever to satisfy himself, consistently with his sceptical principles.  So that, upon the whole, nothing could be more ridiculous than the principles of the ancient PYRRHONIANS; if in reality they endeavoured, as is pretended, to extend, throughout, the same scepticism which they had learned from the declamations of their schools, and which they ought to have confined to them.

In this view, there appears a great resemblance between the sects of the stoics and PYRRHONIANS, though perpetual antagonists; and both of them seem founded on this erroneous maxim, That what a man can perform sometimes, and in some dispositions, he can perform always, and in every disposition.  When the mind, by Stoical reflections, is elevated into a sublime enthusiasm of virtue, and strongly smit with any species of honour or public good, the utmost bodily pain and sufferings will not prevail over such a high sense of duty; and it is possible, perhaps, by its means, even to smile and exult in the midst of tortures.  If this sometimes may be the case in fact and reality, much more may a philosopher, in his school, or even in his closet, work himself up to such an enthusiasm, and support in imagination the acutest pain or most calamitous event which he can possibly conceive.  But how shall he support this enthusiasm itself?  The bent of his mind relaxes, and cannot be recalled at pleasure; avocations lead him astray; misfortunes attack him unawares; and the philosopher sinks by degrees into the plebeian.

I allow of your comparison between the stoics and skeptics, replied Philo.  But you may observe, at the same time, that though the mind cannot, in Stoicism, support the highest flights of philosophy, yet, even when it sinks lower, it still retains somewhat of its former disposition; and the effects of the Stoic’s reasoning will appear in his conduct in common life, and through the whole tenor of his actions.  The ancient schools, particularly that of Zeno, produced examples of virtue and constancy which seem astonishing to present times.

    Vain Wisdom all and false Philosophy. 
    Yet with a pleasing sorcery could charm
    Pain, for a while, or anguish; and excite
    Fallacious Hope, or arm the obdurate breast
    With stubborn Patience, as with triple steel.

In like manner, if a man has accustomed himself to sceptical considerations on the uncertainty and narrow limits of reason, he will not entirely forget them when he turns his reflection on other subjects; but in all his philosophical principles and reasoning, I dare not say in his common conduct, he will be found different from those, who either never formed any opinions in the case, or have entertained sentiments more favourable to human reason.

Project Gutenberg
Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.