on many sides by men like Telesio, Cardan, Ramus,
and Bruno. [Footnote: It has been observed that
the thinkers who were rebelling against the authority
of Aristotle—the most dangerous of the ancient
philosophers, because he was so closely associated
with theological scholasticism and was supported by
the Church—frequently attacked under the
standard of some other ancient master;
Telesio resorted to Parmenides, Justus Lipsius to
the Stoics, and Bruno is under the influence of Plotinus
and Plato (Bouillier, La Philosophie cartesienne,
vol. i. p. 5). The idea of “development”
in Bruno has been studied by Mariupolsky (Zur Geschichte
des Entwicklungsbegriffs in Berner Studien, Bd. vi.
1897), who pointed out the influence of Stoicism on
his thought.] In particular branches of science an
innovation was beginning which heralded a radical revolution
in the study of natural phenomena, though the general
significance of the prospect which these researches
opened was but vaguely understood at the time.
The thinkers and men of science were living in an
intellectual twilight. It was the twilight of
dawn. At one extremity we have mysticism which
culminated in the speculations of Bruno and Campanella;
at the other we have the scepticism of Montaigne,
Charron, and Sanchez. The bewildered condition
of knowledge is indicated by the fact that while Bruno
and Campanella accepted the Copernican astronomy,
it was rejected by one who in many other respects
may claim to be reckoned as a modern—I mean
Francis Bacon.
But the growing tendency to challenge the authority
of the ancients does not sever this period from the
spirit which informed the Renaissance. For it
is subordinate or incidental to a more general and
important interest. To rehabilitate the natural
man, to claim that he should be the pilot of his own
course, to assert his freedom in the fields of art
and literature had been the work of the early Renaissance.
It was the problem of the later Renaissance to complete
this emancipation in the sphere of philosophical thought.
The bold metaphysics of Bruno, for which he atoned
by a fiery death, offered the solution which was most
unorthodox and complete. His deification of nature
and of man as part of nature involved the liberation
of humanity from external authority. But other
speculative minds of the age, though less audacious,
were equally inspired by the idea of freely interrogating
nature, and were all engaged in accomplishing the
programme of the Renaissance—the vindication
of this world as possessing a value for man independent
of its relations to any supermundane sphere.
The raptures of Giordano Bruno and the sobrieties
of Francis Bacon are here on common ground. The
whole movement was a necessary prelude to a new age
of which science was to be the mistress.