Fighting France, from Dunkerque to Belfort eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 126 pages of information about Fighting France, from Dunkerque to Belfort.

Fighting France, from Dunkerque to Belfort eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 126 pages of information about Fighting France, from Dunkerque to Belfort.

No people so sensitive to beauty, so penetrated with a passionate interest in life, so endowed with the power to express and immortalize that interest, can ever really enjoy destruction for its own sake.  The French hate “militarism.”  It is stupid, inartistic, unimaginative and enslaving; there could not be four better French reasons for detesting it.  Nor have the French ever enjoyed the savage forms of sport which stimulate the blood of more apathetic or more brutal races.  Neither prize-fighting nor bull-fighting is of the soil in France, and Frenchmen do not settle their private differences impromptu with their fists:  they do it, logically and with deliberation, on the duelling-ground.  But when a national danger threatens, they instantly become what they proudly and justly call themselves—­“a warlike nation”—­and apply to the business in hand the ardour, the imagination, the perseverance that have made them for centuries the great creative force of civilization.  Every French soldier knows why he is fighting, and why, at this moment, physical courage is the first quality demanded of him; every Frenchwoman knows why war is being waged, and why her moral courage is needed to supplement the soldier’s contempt of death.

The women of France are supplying this moral courage in act as well as in word.  Frenchwomen, as a rule, are perhaps less instinctively “courageous,” in the elementary sense, than their Anglo-Saxon sisters.  They are afraid of more things, and are less ashamed of showing their fear.  The French mother coddles her children, the boys as well as the girls:  when they tumble and bark their knees they are expected to cry, and not taught to control themselves as English and American children are.  I have seen big French boys bawling over a cut or a bruise that an Anglo-Saxon girl of the same age would have felt compelled to bear without a tear.  Frenchwomen are timid for themselves as well as for their children.  They are afraid of the unexpected, the unknown, the experimental.  It is not part of the Frenchwoman’s training to pretend to have physical courage.  She has not the advantage of our discipline in the hypocrisies of “good form” when she is called on to be brave, she must draw her courage from her brains.  She must first be convinced of the necessity of heroism; after that she is fit to go bridle to bridle with Jeanne d’Arc.

The same display of reasoned courage is visible in the hasty adaptation of the Frenchwoman to all kinds of uncongenial jobs.  Almost every kind of service she has been called to render since the war began has been fundamentally uncongenial.  A French doctor once remarked to me that Frenchwomen never make really good sick-nurses except when they are nursing their own people.  They are too personal, too emotional, and too much interested in more interesting things, to take to the fussy details of good nursing, except when it can help some one they care for.  Even then, as a rule, they are not systematic or tidy;

Project Gutenberg
Fighting France, from Dunkerque to Belfort from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.