Memoirs of the Union's Three Great Civil War Generals eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 2,934 pages of information about Memoirs of the Union's Three Great Civil War Generals.

Memoirs of the Union's Three Great Civil War Generals eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 2,934 pages of information about Memoirs of the Union's Three Great Civil War Generals.

All in Chattanooga were impatient for action, rendered almost acute by the natural apprehensions felt for the safety of General Burnside in East Tennessee.

My command had marched from Memphis, three hundred and thirty miles, and I had pushed them as fast as the roads and distance would admit, but I saw enough of the condition of men and animals in Chattanooga to inspire me with renewed energy.  I immediately ordered my leading division (General Ewing’s) to march via Shellmound to Trenton, demonstrating against Lookout Ridge, but to be prepared to turn quickly and follow me to Chattanooga and in person I returned to Bridgeport, rowing a boat down the Tennessee from Belly’s Ferry, and immediately on arrival put in motion my divisions in the order in which they had arrived.  The bridge of boats at Bridgeport was frail, and, though used day and night, our passage was slow; and the road thence to Chattanooga was dreadfully cut up and encumbered with the wagons of the other troops stationed along the road.  I reached General Hooker’s headquarters during a rain, in the afternoon of the 20th, and met General Grant’s orders for the general attack on the next day.  It was simply impossible for me to fulfill my part in time; only one division (General John E. Smith’s) was in position.  General Ewing was still at Trenton, and the other two were toiling along the terrible road from Shellmound to Chattanooga.  No troops ever were or could be in better condition than mine, or who labored harder to fulfill their part.  On a proper representation, General Grant postponed the attack.  On the 21st I got the Second Division over Brown’s-Ferry Bridge, and General Ewing got up; but the bridge broke repeatedly, and delays occurred which no human sagacity could prevent.  All labored night and day, and General Ewing got over on the 23d; but my rear division was cut off by the broken bridge at Brown’s Ferry, and could not join me.  I offered to go into action with my three divisions, supported by General Jeff.  C. Davis, leaving one of my best divisions (Osterhaus’s) to act with General Hooker against Lookout Mountain.  That division has not joined me yet, but I know and feel that it has served the country well, and that it has reflected honor on the Fifteenth Army Corps and the Army of the Tennessee.  I leave the record of its history to General Hooker, or whomsoever has had its services during the late memorable events, confident that all will do it merited honor.

At last, on the 28d of November, my three divisions lay behind the hills opposite the mouth of the Chickamauga.  I dispatched the brigade of the Second Division, commanded by General Giles A. Smith, under cover of the hills, to North Chickamauga Creek, to man the boats designed for the pontoon-bridge, with orders (at midnight) to drop down silently to a point above the mouth of the South Chickamauga, there land two regiments, who were to move along the river-bank quietly, and capture the enemy’s river-pickets.

Project Gutenberg
Memoirs of the Union's Three Great Civil War Generals from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.