Memoirs of the Union's Three Great Civil War Generals eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 2,934 pages of information about Memoirs of the Union's Three Great Civil War Generals.

Memoirs of the Union's Three Great Civil War Generals eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 2,934 pages of information about Memoirs of the Union's Three Great Civil War Generals.

We continued to ride five or six miles, when I began to suspect treachery, of which I had heard so much in former years, and had been specially cautioned against by the older officers; but Joe always answered, “Only a little way.”  At last we approached one of those close hammocks, so well known in Florida, standing like an island in the interminable pine-forest, with a pond of water near it.  On its edge I noticed a few Indians loitering, which Joe pointed out as the place.  Apprehensive of treachery, I halted the guard, gave orders to the sergeant to watch me closely, and rode forward alone with the two Indian guides.  As we neared the hammock, about a dozen Indian warriors rose up and waited for us.  When in their midst I inquired for the chief, Coacoochee.  He approached my horse and, slapping his breast, said, “Me Coacoochee.”  He was a very handsome young Indian warrior, not more than twenty-five years old, but in his then dress could hardly be distinguished from the rest.  I then explained to him, through Joe, that I had been sent by my “chief” to escort him into the fort.  He wanted me to get down and “talk” I told him that I had no “talk” in me, but that, on his reaching the post, he could talk as much as he pleased with the “big chief,” Major Childs.  They all seemed to be indifferent, and in no hurry; and I noticed that all their guns were leaning against a tree.  I beckoned to the sergeant, who advanced rapidly with his escort, and told him to secure the rifles, which he proceeded to do.  Coacoochee pretended to be very angry, but I explained to him that his warriors were tired and mine were not, and that the soldiers would carry the guns on their horses.  I told him I would provide him a horse to ride, and the sooner he was ready the better for all.  He then stripped, washed himself in the pond, and began to dress in all his Indian finery, which consisted of buckskin leggins, moccasins, and several shirts.  He then began to put on vests, one after another, and one of them had the marks of a bullet, just above the pocket, with the stain of blood.  In the pocket was a one-dollar Tallahassee Bank note, and the rascal had the impudence to ask me to give him silver coin for that dollar.  He had evidently killed the wearer, and was disappointed because the pocket contained a paper dollar instead of one in silver.  In due time he was dressed with turban and ostrich-feathers, and mounted the horse reserved for him, and thus we rode back together to Fort Pierce.  Major Childs and all the officers received him on the porch, and there we had a regular “talk.”  Coacoochee “was tired of the war.”  “His people were scattered and it would take a ‘moon’ to collect them for emigration,” and he “wanted rations for that time,” etc., etc.

Project Gutenberg
Memoirs of the Union's Three Great Civil War Generals from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.