Memoirs of the Union's Three Great Civil War Generals eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 2,934 pages of information about Memoirs of the Union's Three Great Civil War Generals.

Memoirs of the Union's Three Great Civil War Generals eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 2,934 pages of information about Memoirs of the Union's Three Great Civil War Generals.

There were still a few expeditions out in the South that could not be communicated with, and had to be left to act according to the judgment of their respective commanders.  With these it was impossible to tell how the news of the surrender of Lee and Johnston, of which they must have heard, might affect their judgment as to what was best to do.

The three expeditions which I had tried so hard to get off from the commands of Thomas and Canby did finally get off:  one under Canby himself, against Mobile, late in March; that under Stoneman from East Tennessee on the 20th; and the one under Wilson, starting from Eastport, Mississippi, on the 22d of March.  They were all eminently successful, but without any good result.  Indeed much valuable property was destroyed and many lives lost at a time when we would have liked to spare them.  The war was practically over before their victories were gained.  They were so late in commencing operations, that they did not hold any troops away that otherwise would have been operating against the armies which were gradually forcing the Confederate armies to a surrender.  The only possible good that we may have experienced from these raids was by Stoneman’s getting near Lynchburg about the time the armies of the Potomac and the James were closing in on Lee at Appomattox.

Stoneman entered North Carolina and then pushed north to strike the Virginia and Tennessee Railroad.  He got upon that road, destroyed its bridges at different places and rendered the road useless to the enemy up to within a few miles of Lynchburg.  His approach caused the evacuation of that city about the time we were at Appomattox, and was the cause of a commotion we heard of there.  He then pushed south, and was operating in the rear of Johnston’s army about the time the negotiations were going on between Sherman and Johnston for the latter’s surrender.  In this raid Stoneman captured and destroyed a large amount of stores, while fourteen guns and nearly two thousand prisoners were the trophies of his success.

Canby appeared before Mobile on the 27th of March.  The city of Mobile was protected by two forts, besides other intrenchments—­Spanish Fort, on the east side of the bay, and Fort Blakely, north of the city.  These forts were invested.  On the night of the 8th of April, the National troops having carried the enemy’s works at one point, Spanish Fort was evacuated; and on the 9th, the very day of Lee’s surrender, Blakely was carried by assault, with a considerable loss to us.  On the 11th the city was evacuated.

I had tried for more than two years to have an expedition sent against Mobile when its possession by us would have been of great advantage.  It finally cost lives to take it when its possession was of no importance, and when, if left alone, it would within a few days have fallen into our hands without any bloodshed whatever.

Project Gutenberg
Memoirs of the Union's Three Great Civil War Generals from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.