Memoirs of the Union's Three Great Civil War Generals eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 2,934 pages of information about Memoirs of the Union's Three Great Civil War Generals.

Memoirs of the Union's Three Great Civil War Generals eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 2,934 pages of information about Memoirs of the Union's Three Great Civil War Generals.

My occupation of Memphis as district headquarters did not last long.  The period, however, was marked by a few incidents which were novel to me.  Up to that time I had not occupied any place in the South where the citizens were at home in any great numbers.  Dover was within the fortifications at Fort Donelson, and, as far as I remember, every citizen was gone.  There were no people living at Pittsburg landing, and but very few at Corinth.  Memphis, however, was a populous city, and there were many of the citizens remaining there who were not only thoroughly impressed with the justice of their cause, but who thought that even the “Yankee soldiery” must entertain the same views if they could only be induced to make an honest confession.  It took hours of my time every day to listen to complaints and requests.  The latter were generally reasonable, and if so they were granted; but the complaints were not always, or even often, well founded.  Two instances will mark the general character.  First:  the officer who commanded at Memphis immediately after the city fell into the hands of the National troops had ordered one of the churches of the city to be opened to the soldiers.  Army chaplains were authorized to occupy the pulpit.  Second:  at the beginning of the war the Confederate Congress had passed a law confiscating all property of “alien enemies” at the South, including the debts of Southerners to Northern men.  In consequence of this law, when Memphis was occupied the provost-marshal had forcibly collected all the evidences he could obtain of such debts.

Almost the first complaints made to me were these two outrages.  The gentleman who made the complaints informed me first of his own high standing as a lawyer, a citizen and a Christian.  He was a deacon in the church which had been defiled by the occupation of Union troops, and by a Union chaplain filling the pulpit.  He did not use the word “defile,” but he expressed the idea very clearly.  He asked that the church be restored to the former congregation.  I told him that no order had been issued prohibiting the congregation attending the church.  He said of course the congregation could not hear a Northern clergyman who differed so radically with them on questions of government.  I told him the troops would continue to occupy that church for the present, and that they would not be called upon to hear disloyal sentiments proclaimed from the pulpit.  This closed the argument on the first point.

Then came the second.  The complainant said that he wanted the papers restored to him which had been surrendered to the provost-marshal under protest; he was a lawyer, and before the establishment of the “Confederate States Government” had been the attorney for a number of large business houses at the North; that “his government” had confiscated all debts due “alien enemies,” and appointed commissioners, or officers, to collect such debts and pay them over to the “government”: 

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Memoirs of the Union's Three Great Civil War Generals from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.