Querist eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 96 pages of information about Querist.

Querist eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 96 pages of information about Querist.

83.  Qu.  Whether Ireland alone might not raise hemp sufficient for the British navy?  And whether it would not be vain to expect this from the British Colonies in America, where hands are so scarce, and labour so excessively dear?

84.  Qu.  Whether, if our own people want will or capacity for such an attempt, it might not be worth while for some undertaking spirits in England to make settlements, and raise hemp in the counties of Clare and Limerick, than which, perhaps, there is not fitter land in the world for that purpose?  And whether both nations would not find their advantage therein?

85.  Qu.  Whether if all the idle hands in this kingdom were employed on hemp and flax, we might not find sufficient vent for these manufactures?

86.  Qu.  How far it may be in our own power to better our affairs, without interfering with our neighbours?

87.  Qu.  Whether the prohibition of our woollen trade ought not naturally to put us on other methods which give no jealousy?

88.  Qu.  Whether paper be not a valuable article of commerce?  And whether it be not true that one single bookseller in London yearly expended above four thousand pounds in that foreign commodity?

89.  Qu.  How it comes to pass that the Venetians and Genoese, who wear so much less linen, and so much worse than we do, should yet make very good paper, and in great quantity, while we make very little?

90.  Qu.  How long it will be before my countrymen find out that it is worth while to spend a penny in order to get a groat?

91.  Qu.  If all the land were tilled that is fit for tillage, and all that sowed with hemp and flax that is fit for raising them, whether we should have much sheep-walk beyond what was sufficient to supply the necessities of the kingdom?

92.  Qu.  Whether other countries have not flourished without the woollen trade?

93.  Qu.  Whether it be not a sure sign or effect of a country’s inhabitants?  And, thriving, to see it well cultivated and full of; if so, whether a great quantity of sheep-walk be not ruinous to a country, rendering it waste and thinly inhabited?

94.  Qu.  Whether the employing so much of our land under sheep be not in fact an Irish blunder?

95.  Qu.  Whether our hankering after our woollen trade be not the true and only reason which hath created a jealousy in England towards Ireland?  And whether anything can hurt us more than such jealousy?

96.  Qu.  Whether it be not the true interest of both nations to become one people?  And whether either be sufficiently apprised of this?

97.  Qu.  Whether the upper part of this people are not truly English, by blood, language, religion, manners, inclination, and interest?

98.  Qu.  Whether we are not as much Englishmen as the children of old Romans, born in Britain, were still Romans?

99.  Qu.  Whether it be not our true interest not to interfere with them; and, in every other case, whether it be not their true interest to befriend us?

Project Gutenberg
Querist from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.