Querist eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 96 pages of information about Querist.

Querist eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 96 pages of information about Querist.

262.  Qu.  Whether she doth not receive and utter all those commodities, and raise a profit from the distribution thereof, as well as of her own manufactures, throughout the kingdom of France?

263.  Qu.  Whether the charge of making good roads and navigable rivers across the country would not be really repaid by an inward commerce?

264.  Qu.  Whether, as our trade and manufactures increased, magazines should not be established in proper places, fitted by their situation, near great roads and navigable rivers, lakes, or canals, for the ready reception and distribution of all sorts of commodities from and to the several parts of the kingdom; and whether the town of Athlone, for instance, may not be fitly situated for such a magazine, or centre of domestic commerce?

265.  Qu.  Whether an inward trade would not cause industry to flourish, and multiply the circulation of our coin, and whether this may not do as well as multiplying the coin itself?

266.  Qu.  Whether the benefits of a domestic commerce are sufficiently understood and attended to; and whether the cause thereof be not the prejudiced and narrow way of thinking about gold and silver?

267.  Qu.  Whether there be any other more easy and unenvied method of increasing the wealth of a people?

268.  Qu.  Whether we of this island are not from our peculiar circumstances determined to this very commerce above any other, from the number of necessaries and good things that we possess within ourselves, from the extent and variety of our soil, from the navigable rivers and good roads which we have or may have, at a less expense than any people in Europe, from our great plenty of materials for manufactures, and particularly from the restraints we lie under with regard to our foreign trade?

269.  Qu.  Whether commissioners of trade or other proper persons should not be appointed to draw up plans of our commerce both foreign and domestic, and lay them at the beginning of every session before the Parliament?

270.  Qu.  Whether registers of industry should not be kept, and the pubic from time to time acquainted what new manufactures are introduced, what increase or decrease of old ones?

271.  Qu.  Whether annual inventories should not be published of the fairs throughout the kingdom, in order to judge of the growth of its commerce?

272.  Qu.  Whether there be not every year more cash circulated at the card tables of Dublin than at all the fairs of Ireland?

273.  Qu.  Whether the wealth of a country will not bear proportion to the skill and industry of its inhabitants?

274.  Qu.  Whether foreign imports that tend to promote industry should not be encouraged, and such as have a tendency to promote luxury should not be discouraged?

275.  Qu.  Whether the annual balance of trade between Italy and Lyons be not about four millions in favour of the former, and yet, whether Lyons be not a gainer by this trade?

Project Gutenberg
Querist from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.