Querist eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 96 pages of information about Querist.

Querist eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 96 pages of information about Querist.

21.  Qu.  Whether other things being given, as climate, soil, etc., the wealth be not proportioned to the industry, and this to the circulation of credit, be the credit circulated or transferred by what marks or tokens soever?

22.  Qu.  Whether, therefore, less money swiftly circulating, be not, in effect, equivalent to more money slowly circulating?  Or, whether, if the circulation be reciprocally as the quantity of coin, the nation can be a loser?

23.  Qu.  Whether money is to be considered as having an intrinsic value, or as being a commodity, a standard, a measure, or a pledge, as is variously suggested by writers?  And whether the true idea of money, as such, be not altogether that of a ticket or counter?

24.  Qu.  Whether the value or price of things be not a compounded proportion, directly as the demand, and reciprocally as the plenty?

25.  Qu.  Whether the terms crown, livre, pound sterling, etc., are not to be considered as exponents or denominations of such proportion?  And whether gold, silver, and paper are not tickets or counters for reckoning, recording, and transferring thereof?

26.  Qu.  Whether the denominations being retained, although the bullion were gone, things might not nevertheless be rated, bought, and sold, industry promoted, and a circulation of commerce maintained?

27.  Qu.  Whether an equal raising of all sorts of gold, silver, and copper coin can have any effect in bringing money into the kingdom?  And whether altering the proportions between the kingdom several sorts can have any other effect but multiplying one kind and lessening another, without any increase of the sum total?

28.  Qu.  Whether arbitrary changing the denomination of coin be not a public cheat?

29.  Qu.  Whether, nevertheless, the damage would be very considerable, if by degrees our money were brought back to the English value there to rest for ever?

30.  Qu.  Whether the English crown did not formerly pass with us for six shillings?  And what inconvenience ensued to the public upon its reduction to the present value, and whether what hath been may not be?

31.  Qu.  What makes a wealthy people?  Whether mines of gold and silver are capable of doing this?  And whether the negroes, amidst the gold sands of Afric, are not poor and destitute?

32.  Qu.  Whether there be any vertue in gold or silver, other than as they set people at work, or create industry?

33.  Qu.  Whether it be not the opinion or will of the people, exciting them to industry, that truly enricheth a nation?  And whether this doth not principally depend on the means for counting, transferring, and preserving power, that is, property of all kinds?

34.  Qu.  Whether if there was no silver or gold in the kingdom, our trade might not, nevertheless, supply bills of exchange, sufficient to answer the demands of absentees in England or elsewhere?

Project Gutenberg
Querist from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.