Sylvia's Lovers — Volume 1 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 255 pages of information about Sylvia's Lovers — Volume 1.

Sylvia's Lovers — Volume 1 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 255 pages of information about Sylvia's Lovers — Volume 1.

’Mother thought, maybe, you hadn’t killed a pig yet, and sausages is always a bit savoury for any one who is na’ well, and——­’

She might have gone on but that she caught Kinraid’s eyes looking at her with kindly admiration.  She stopped speaking, and Mrs. Corney took up the word—­

‘As for sausages, I ha’ niver had a chance this year, else I stand again any one for t’ making of ’em.  Yorkshire hams ’s a vast thought on, and I’ll niver let another county woman say as she can make better sausages nor me.  But, as I’m saying, I’d niver a chance; for our pig, as I were sa fond on, and fed mysel’, and as would ha’ been fourteen stone by now if he were an ounce, and as knew me as well as any Christian, and a pig, as I may say, that I just idolized, went and took a fit a week after Michaelmas Day, and died, as if it had been to spite me; and t’ next is na’ ready for killing, nor wunnot be this six week.  So I’m much beholden to your missus, and so’s Charley, I’m sure; though he’s ta’en a turn to betterin’ sin’ he came out here to be nursed.’

‘I’m a deal better,’ said Kinraid; ‘a’most ready for t’ press-gang to give chase to again.’

‘But folk say they’re gone off this coast for one while,’ added Daniel.

‘They’re gone down towards Hull, as I’ve been told,’ said Kinraid.  ’But they’re a deep set, they’ll be here before we know where we are, some of these days.’

‘See thee here!’ said Daniel, exhibiting his maimed hand; ’a reckon a served ’em out time o’ t’ Ameriky war.’  And he began the story Sylvia knew so well; for her father never made a new acquaintance but what he told him of his self-mutilation to escape the press-gang.  It had been done, as he would himself have owned, to spite himself as well as them; for it had obliged him to leave a sea-life, to which, in comparison, all life spent on shore was worse than nothing for dulness.  For Robson had never reached that rank aboard ship which made his being unable to run up the rigging, or to throw a harpoon, or to fire off a gun, of no great consequence; so he had to be thankful that an opportune legacy enabled him to turn farmer, a great degradation in his opinion.  But his blood warmed, as he told the specksioneer, towards a sailor, and he pressed Kinraid to beguile the time when he was compelled to be ashore, by coming over to see him at Haytersbank, whenever he felt inclined.

Sylvia, appearing to listen to Molly’s confidences, was hearkening in reality to all this conversation between her father and the specksioneer; and at this invitation she became especially attentive.

Kinraid replied,—­

’I’m much obliged to ye, I’m sure; maybe I can come and spend an ev’ning wi’ you; but as soon as I’m got round a bit, I must go see my own people as live at Cullercoats near Newcastle-upo’-Tyne.’

‘Well, well!’ said Daniel, rising to take leave, with unusual prudence as to the amount of his drink.  ’Thou’lt see, thou’lt see!  I shall be main glad to see thee; if thou’lt come.  But I’ve na’ lads to keep thee company, only one sprig of a wench.  Sylvia, come here, an let’s show thee to this young fellow!’

Project Gutenberg
Sylvia's Lovers — Volume 1 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.