Sylvia's Lovers — Volume 1 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 255 pages of information about Sylvia's Lovers — Volume 1.

Sylvia's Lovers — Volume 1 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 255 pages of information about Sylvia's Lovers — Volume 1.

So the vicar mumbled hastily over a sermon on the text, ’In the midst of life we are in death’; which might have done as well for a baby cut off in a convulsion-fit as for the strong man shot down with all his eager blood hot within him, by men as hot-blooded as himself.  But once when the old doctor’s eye caught the up-turned, straining gaze of the father Darley, seeking with all his soul to find a grain of holy comfort in the chaff of words, his conscience smote him.  Had he nothing to say that should calm anger and revenge with spiritual power? no breath of the comforter to soothe repining into resignation?  But again the discord between the laws of man and the laws of Christ stood before him; and he gave up the attempt to do more than he was doing, as beyond his power.  Though the hearers went away as full of anger as they had entered the church, and some with a dull feeling of disappointment as to what they had got there, yet no one felt anything but kindly towards the old vicar.  His simple, happy life led amongst them for forty years, and open to all men in its daily course; his sweet-tempered, cordial ways; his practical kindness, made him beloved by all; and neither he nor they thought much or cared much for admiration of his talents.  Respect for his office was all the respect he thought of; and that was conceded to him from old traditional and hereditary association.  In looking back to the last century, it appears curious to see how little our ancestors had the power of putting two things together, and perceiving either the discord or harmony thus produced.  Is it because we are farther off from those times, and have, consequently, a greater range of vision?  Will our descendants have a wonder about us, such as we have about the inconsistency of our forefathers, or a surprise at our blindness that we do not perceive that, holding such and such opinions, our course of action must be so and so, or that the logical consequence of particular opinions must be convictions which at present we hold in abhorrence?  It seems puzzling to look back on men such as our vicar, who almost held the doctrine that the King could do no wrong, yet were ever ready to talk of the glorious Revolution, and to abuse the Stuarts for having entertained the same doctrine, and tried to put it in practice.  But such discrepancies ran through good men’s lives in those days.  It is well for us that we live at the present time, when everybody is logical and consistent.  This little discussion must be taken in place of Dr Wilson’s sermon, of which no one could remember more than the text half an hour after it was delivered.  Even the doctor himself had the recollection of the words he had uttered swept out of his mind, as, having doffed his gown and donned his surplice, he came out of the dusk of his vestry and went to the church-door, looking into the broad light which came upon the plain of the church-yard on the cliffs; for the sun had not yet set, and the pale moon was slowly rising through the silvery mist

Project Gutenberg
Sylvia's Lovers — Volume 1 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.