The Hermit and the Wild Woman eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 239 pages of information about The Hermit and the Wild Woman.

The Hermit and the Wild Woman eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 239 pages of information about The Hermit and the Wild Woman.

Stanwell found that during his absence Mungold had reappeared, fresh and rosy from a summer in Europe, and as prodigal as ever of the only form of attention which Kate could be counted on not to resent.  The game and champagne reappeared with him, and he seemed as ready as Stanwell to lend a patient ear to Caspar’s homilies.  But Stanwell could see that, even now, Kate had not forgiven him for the Cupids.  Stanwell himself had spent the early winter months in idleness.  The sight of his tools filled him with a strange repugnance, and he absented himself as much as possible from the studio.  But Shepson’s visit roused him to the fact that he must decide on some definite course of action.  If he wished to follow up his success of the previous spring he must refuse no more orders:  he must not let Mrs. Van Orley slip away from him.  He knew there were competitors enough ready to profit by his hesitations, and since his success was the result of a whim, a whim might undo it.  With a sudden gesture of decision he caught up his hat and left the studio.

On the landing he met Kate Arran.  She too was going out, drawn forth by the sudden radiance of the January afternoon.  She met him with a smile which seemed the answer to his uncertainties, and he asked abruptly if she had time to take a walk with him.

Yes; for once she had time, for Mr. Mungold was sitting with Caspar, and had promised to remain till she came in.  It mattered little to Stanwell that Mungold was with Caspar as long as he himself was with Kate; and he instantly soared to the suggestion that they should prolong the painter’s vigil by taking the “elevated” to the Park.  In this too his companion acquiesced after a moment of surprise:  she seemed in a consenting mood, and Stanwell augured well from the fact.

The Park was clothed in the double glitter of snow and sunshine.  They roamed the hard white alleys to a continuous tinkle of sleigh-bells, and Kate brightened with the exhilaration of the scene.  It was not often that she permitted herself such an escape from routine, and in this new environment, which seemed to detach her from her daily setting, Stanwell had his first complete vision of her.  To the girl also their unwonted isolation seemed to create a sense of fuller communion, for she began presently, as they reached the leafless solitude of the Ramble, to speak with sudden freedom of her brother.  It appeared that the orders against which Caspar had so heroically steeled himself were slow in coming:  he had received no commission since the sale of his group, and he was beginning to suffer from a reaction of discouragement.  Oh, it was not the craving for popularity—­Stanwell knew how far above that he stood.  But it had been exquisite, yes, exquisite to him to find himself believed in, understood.  He had fancied that the purchase of the group was the dawn of a tardy recognition—­and now the darkness of indifference had set in again, no one spoke of him, no one wrote of him, no one cared.

Project Gutenberg
The Hermit and the Wild Woman from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.