The Fight for the Republic in China eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 514 pages of information about The Fight for the Republic in China.

The Fight for the Republic in China eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 514 pages of information about The Fight for the Republic in China.

(2) To discuss and pass the Budget.

(3) To discuss and pass or approve articles relating to raising of public loans and national financial responsibilities.

(4) To reply to the inquiries addressed to it by the Government.

(5) To receive petitions of the people.

(6) To bring up bills on law.

(7) To bring up suggestions and opinions before the President regarding law and other affairs.

(8) To bring out the doubtful points of the administration and request the President for an explanation; but when the President deems it necessary for a matter to be kept secret he may refuse to give the answer.

(9) Should the President attempt treason the Li Fa Yuan may institute judicial proceedings in the Supreme Court against him by a three-fourths or more vote of a four-fifths attendance of the total membership.

Regarding the clauses from 1 to 8 and articles 20, 25, 28, 55 and 27, the approval of a majority of more than half of the attending members will be required to make a decision.

Art. 32.  The regular annual session of the Li Fa Yuan will be four months in duration; but when the President deems it necessary it may be prolonged.  The President may also call special sessions when it is not in session.

Art. 33.  The meetings of the Li Fa Yuan shall be “open sessions,” but they may be held in secret at the request of the President or the decision of the majority of more than half of the members present.

Art. 34.  The law bills passed by the Li Fa Yuan shall be promulgated by the President and enforced.

When the President vetoes a law bill passed by the Li Fa Yuan he must give the reason and refer it again to the Li Fa Yuan for reconsideration.  If such bill should be again passed by a two-thirds vote of the members present at the Li Fa Yuan but at the same time the President should firmly hold that it would greatly harm the internal administration or diplomacy to enforce such law or there will be great and important obstacles against enforcing it, he may withhold promulgation with the approval of the Tsan Cheng Yuan.

Art. 35.  The Speaker and vice-Speaker of the Li Fa Yuan shall be elected by and from among the members themselves by ballot.  The one who secures more than half of the votes cast shall be considered elected.

Art. 36.  The members of the Li Fa Yuan shall not be held responsible to outsiders for their speeches, arguments and voting in the House.

Art. 37.  Except when discovered in the act of committing a crime or for internal rebellion or external treason, the members of the Li Fa Yuan shall not be arrested during the session period without the permission of the House.

Art. 38.  The House laws of the Li Fa Yuan shall be made by the House itself.


Art. 39.  The President shall be the Chief of the Administration.  A Secretary of State shall be provided to assist him.

Project Gutenberg
The Fight for the Republic in China from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.