F. Cheshire, “Bees and Bee-keeping” (vol. i.—Scientific); T. W. Cowan, “The Honey-bee; “J. Perez, “Les Abeilles; “Girard, “Manuel d’Apiculture” (Les Abeilles, Organes et Fonctions); Schuckard, “British Bees; “Kirby and Spence, “Introduction to Entomology; “Girdwoyn, “Anatomie et Physiologic de l’Abeille;” F. Cheshire, “Diagrams on the Anatomy of the Honeybee;” Gunderach, “Die Naturgeschichte der Honigbiene; “L. Buchner, “Geistes-leben der Thiere;” O. Butschli, “Zur Entwicklungsgeschichte der Biene; “J. D. Haviland, “The Social Instincts of Bees, their Origin and Natural Selection.”
4. Special Monographs (Organs, Functions, Undertakings, etc.):
F. Dujardin, “Memoires sur le Systeme nerveux des Insectes;” Dumas and Milne Edwards, “Sur la Production de la Cire des Abeilles; “E. Blanchard, “Recherches anatomiques sur le Systeme nerveux des Insectes;” L. R. D. Brougham, “Observations, Demonstrations, and Experiences upon the Structure of the Cells of Bees;” P. Cameron, “On Parthenogenesis in the Hymenoptera” (Transactions Natural Society of Glasgow, 1888); Erichson, “De Fabrica et Usu Antennarum in Insectis;” B. T. Lowne, “On the Simple and Compound Eyes of Insects “(Philosophical Transactions, 1879); G. K. Waterhouse, “On the Formation of the Cells of Bees and Wasps; “Dr. C. T. E. von Siebold, “On a True Parthenogenesis in Moths and Bees; “F. Leydig, “Das Auge der Gliederthiere; “Pastor Schonfeld, “Bienen-Zeitung,” 1854—1883; “Illustrierte Bienen-Zeitung,” 1885-1890; Assmuss, “Die Parasiten der Honig-biene.”
5. Notes on Melliferous Hymenoptera:
E. Blanchard,” Metamorphoses, Moeurs et Instincts des Insectes; “Vid: “Histoire des Insectes; “Darwin, “Origin of Species;” Fabre, “Souvenirs Entomologiques “(3d series); Romanes, “Mental Evolution in Animals; “id., “Animal Intelligence; “Lepeletier et Fargeau, “Histoire Naturelle des Hymenopteres; “V. Mayet, “Memoire sur les Moeurs et sur les Metamorphoses d’une Nouvelle Espece de la Famille des Vesicants “(Ann. Soc. Entom. de France, 1875); H. Muller, “Ein Beitrag zur Lebensgeschichte der Dasypoda Hirtipes;” E. Hoffer, “Biologische Beobachtungen an Hummeln und Schmarotzerhummeln; “Jesse, “Gleanings in Natural History; “Sir John Lubbock, “Ants, Bees, and Wasps; “id., “The Senses, Instincts, and Intelligence of Animals;” Walkenaer, “Les Haclites; “Westwood, “Introduction to the Study of Insects; “V. Rendu, “De l’Intelligence des Betes;” Espinas, “Animal Communities,” etc.