As a Man Thinketh eBook

James Allen (author)
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 27 pages of information about As a Man Thinketh.

As a Man Thinketh eBook

James Allen (author)
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 27 pages of information about As a Man Thinketh.

Let a man cease from his sinful thoughts, and all the world will soften towards him, and be ready to help him; let him put away his weakly and sickly thoughts, and lo, opportunities will spring up on every hand to aid his strong resolves; let him encourage good thoughts, and no hard fate shall bind him down to wretchedness and shame.  The world is your kaleidoscope, and the varying combinations of colours, which at every succeeding moment it presents to you are the exquisitely adjusted pictures of your ever-moving thoughts.

“So You will be what you will to be;
Let failure find its false content
In that poor word, ‘environment,’
But spirit scorns it, and is free.

“It masters time, it conquers space;
It cowes that boastful trickster, Chance,
And bids the tyrant Circumstance
Uncrown, and fill a servant’s place.

“The human Will, that force unseen,
The offspring of a deathless Soul,
Can hew a way to any goal,
Though walls of granite intervene.

“Be not impatient in delays
But wait as one who understands;
When spirit rises and commands
The gods are ready to obey.”


THE body is the servant of the mind.  It obeys the operations of the mind, whether they be deliberately chosen or automatically expressed.  At the bidding of unlawful thoughts the body sinks rapidly into disease and decay; at the command of glad and beautiful thoughts it becomes clothed with youthfulness and beauty.

Disease and health, like circumstances, are rooted in thought.  Sickly thoughts will express themselves through a sickly body.  Thoughts of fear have been known to kill a man as speedily as a bullet, and they are continually killing thousands of people just as surely though less rapidly.  The people who live in fear of disease are the people who get it.  Anxiety quickly demoralizes the whole body, and lays it open to the, entrance of disease; while impure thoughts, even if not physically indulged, will soon shatter the nervous system.

Strong, pure, and happy thoughts build up the body in vigour and grace.  The body is a delicate and plastic instrument, which responds readily to the thoughts by which it is impressed, and habits of thought will produce their own effects, good or bad, upon it.

Men will continue to have impure and poisoned blood, so long as they propagate unclean thoughts.  Out of a clean heart comes a clean life and a clean body.  Out of a defiled mind proceeds a defiled life and a corrupt body.  Thought is the fount of action, life, and manifestation; make the fountain pure, and all will be pure.

Change of diet will not help a man who will not change his thoughts.  When a man makes his thoughts pure, he no longer desires impure food.

Clean thoughts make clean habits.  The so-called saint who does not wash his body is not a saint.  He who has strengthened and purified his thoughts does not need to consider the malevolent microbe.

Project Gutenberg
As a Man Thinketh from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.