Complete Project Gutenberg Works of George Meredith eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 10,116 pages of information about Complete Project Gutenberg Works of George Meredith.

Complete Project Gutenberg Works of George Meredith eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 10,116 pages of information about Complete Project Gutenberg Works of George Meredith.

He came up to her and shut the door softly behind her, holding her hand.  ’You are near it.  I returned . .  But tell me first:—­You were slightly under a shadow this evening, dejected.’

‘Did I show it?’

She was growing a little suspicious, but this cunning touch of lover-like interest dispersed the shade.

‘To me you did.’

‘It was unpardonable to let it be seen.’

‘No one else could have observed it.’

Her woman’s heart was thrilled; for she had concealed the dejection from Emma.

‘It was nothing,’ she said; ’a knot in the book I am writing.  We poor authors are worried now and then.  But you?’

His face rippled by degrees brightly, to excite a reflection in hers.

’Shall I tune you with good news?  I think it will excuse me for coming back.’

‘Very good news?’

‘Brave news, as far as it goes.’

‘Then it concerns you!’

‘Me, you, the country.’

‘Oh! do I guess?’ cried Diana.  ‘But speak, pray; I burn.’

‘What am I to have for telling it?’

’Put no price.  You know my heart.  I guess—­or fancy.  It relates to your Chief?’

Dacier smiled in a way to show the lock without the key; and she was insensibly drawn nearer to him, speculating on the smile.

‘Try again,’ said he, keenly appreciating the blindness to his motive of her studious dark eyes, and her open-lipped breathing.

‘Percy!  I must be right.’

‘Well, you are.  He has decided!’

‘Oh! that is the bravest possible.  When did you hear?’

‘He informed me of his final decision this afternoon.’

’And you were charged with the secret all the evening, and betrayed not a sign!  I compliment the diplomatic statesman.  But when will it be public?’

‘He calls Parliament together the first week of next month.’

‘The proposal is—?  No more compromises!’


Diana clapped hands; and her aspect of enthusiasm was intoxicating.  ’He is a wise man and a gallant Minister!  And while you were reading me through, I was blind to you,’ she added meltingly.

‘I have not made too much of it?’ said he.

‘Indeed you have not.’

She was radiant with her dark lightnings, yet visibly subject to him under the spell of the news he had artfully lengthened out to excite and overbalance her:—­and her enthusiasm was all pointed to his share in the altered situation, as he well knew and was flattered in knowing.

’So Tony is no longer dejected?  I thought I could freshen you and get my excuse.’

’Oh! a high wind will make a dead leaf fly like a bird.  I soar.  Now I do feel proud.  I have longed for it—­to have you leading the country:  not tugged at like a waggon with a treble team uphill.  We two are a month in advance of all England.  You stand by him?—­only to hear it, for I am sure of it!’

Project Gutenberg
Complete Project Gutenberg Works of George Meredith from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.