Celt and Saxon — Volume 2 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 143 pages of information about Celt and Saxon — Volume 2.

Celt and Saxon — Volume 2 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 143 pages of information about Celt and Saxon — Volume 2.
The lady’s practical intelligence admitted the service, and at the same time her addiction to the practical provoked disdain of so flimsy a genius, which was identified by her with the genius of the Irish race.  If Irishmen had not been notoriously fighters, famous for their chivalry, she would have looked on them as a kind of footmen hired to talk and write, whose volubility might be encouraged and their affectionateness deserved by liberal wages.  The promptitude of Irish blood to deliver the war-cry either upon a glove flung down or taken up, raised them to a first place in her esteem:  and she was a peaceful woman abhorring sanguinary contention; but it was in her own blood to love such a disposition against her principles.

She led Patrick to her private room, where they both took seats and he selected a pen.  Mr. Patrick supposed that his business would be to listen and put her words to paper; a mechanical occupation permitting the indulgence of personal phantasies; and he was flying high on them until the extraordinary delicacy of the mind seeking to deliver itself forced him to prick up all his apprehensiveness.  She wished to convey that she was pleased with the news from Vienna, and desired her gratification to be imparted to her niece Caroline, yet not so as to be opposed to the peculiar feelings of her brother Edward, which had her fullest sympathy; and yet Caroline must by no means be requested to alter a sentence referring to Adiante, for that would commit her and the writer jointly to an insincerity.

‘It must be the whole truth, madam,’ said Patrick, and he wrote:  ’My dear Caroline,’ to get the start.  At once a magnificently clear course for the complicated letter was distinguished by him.  ’Can I write on and read it to you afterward?  I have the view,’ he said.

Mrs. Adister waved to him to write on.

Patrick followed his ‘My dear Caroline’ with greetings very warm, founded on a report of her flourishing good looks.  The decision of Government to send reinforcements to Ireland was mentioned as a prelude to the information from Vienna of the birth of a son to the Princess Nikolas:  and then; having conjoined the two entirely heterogeneous pieces of intelligence, the composer adroitly interfused them by a careless transposition of the prelude and the burden that enabled him to play ad libitum on regrets and rejoicings; by which device the lord of Earlsfont might be offered condolences while the lady could express her strong contentment, inasmuch as he deplored the state of affairs in the sister island, and she was glad of a crisis concluding a term of suspense thus the foreign-born baby was denounced and welcomed, the circumstances lamented and the mother congratulated, in a breath, all under cover of the happiest misunderstanding, as effective as the cabalism of Prospero’s wand among the Neapolitan mariners, by the skilful Irish development on a grand scale of the rhetorical figure anastrophe, or a turning about and about.

Project Gutenberg
Celt and Saxon — Volume 2 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.