Tragic Comedians, the — Complete eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 224 pages of information about Tragic Comedians, the — Complete.

Tragic Comedians, the — Complete eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 224 pages of information about Tragic Comedians, the — Complete.

     A tragic comedian:  that is, a grand pretender, a self-deceiver
     Above all things I detest the writing for money
     At the age of forty, men that love love rootedly
     Barriers are for those who cannot fly
     Be good and dull, and please everybody
     Beginning to have a movement to kiss the whip
     Centres of polished barbarism known as aristocratic societies
     Clotilde fenced, which is half a confession
     Comparisons will thrust themselves on minds disordered
     Compromise is virtual death
     Conservative, whose astounded state paralyzes his wrath
     Creatures that wait for circumstances to bring the change
     Dignitary, and he passed under the bondage of that position
     Dissent rings out finely, and approval is a feeble murmur
     Do you judge of heroes as of lesser men? 
     Empanelled to deliver verdicts upon the ways of women
     Finishing touches to the negligence
     Giant Vanity urged Giant Energy to make use of Giant Duplicity
     Gone to pieces with an injured lover’s babble
     Gradations appear to be unknown to you
     He had to go, he must, he has to be always going
     He stormed her and consented to be beaten
     Hesitating strangeness that sometimes gathers during absences
     His violent earnestness, his imperial self-confidence
     His apparent cynicism is sheer irritability
     Hosts of men are of the simple order of the comic
     I give my self, I do not sell
     I have learnt as much from light literature as from heavy
     I would wait till he flung you off, and kneel to you
     If you have this creative soul, be the slave of your creature
     Imagination she has, for a source of strength in the future days
     Looking on him was listening
     Love the difficulty better than the woman
     Men in love are children with their mistresses
     Metaphysician’s treatise on Nature:  a torch to see the sunrise
     Music in Italy?  Amorous and martial, brainless and monotonous
     Night has little mercy for the self-reproachful
     Not much esteem for non-professional actresses
     Not in a situation that could bear of her blaming herself
     O for yesterday! 
     Pact between cowardice and comfort under the title of expediency
     Philosophy skimmed, and realistic romances deep-sounded
     Polished barbarism
     Professional widows
     Providence and her parents were not forgiven
     Scorned him for listening to the hesitations (hers)
     Self-consoled when they are not self-justified
     She ran through delusion and delusion, exhausting each
     She felt in him a maker of facts
     Strength in love is the sole sincerity
     The worst of omens is delay
     The way is clear:  we have only to take the step
     The brainless in Art and in Statecraft

Project Gutenberg
Tragic Comedians, the — Complete from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.