Beauchamp's Career — Complete eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 730 pages of information about Beauchamp's Career — Complete.

Beauchamp's Career — Complete eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 730 pages of information about Beauchamp's Career — Complete.

’If I remember, she was a kind of confidential housekeeper, some one said, to Captain Beauchamp’s uncle.’

’A kind of confidential housekeeper!  She is recognized in our family as a lady, sir.  I can hardly expect better treatment at your hands than she met with, but I do positively request you to keep your temper whilst I am explaining my business to you.  Now, sir! what now?’

A trifling breeze will set the tall tree bending, and Dr. Shrapnel did indeed appear to display the agitation of a full-driving storm when he was but harassed and vexed.

‘Will you mention your business concisely, if you Please?’ he said.

’Precisely; it is my endeavour.  I supposed I had done so.  To be frank, I would advise you to summon a member of your household, wife, daughter, housekeeper, any one you like, to whom you may appeal, and I too, whenever your recollections are at fault.’

‘I am competent,’ said the doctor.

‘But in justice to you,’ urged Cecil considerately.

Dr. Shrapnel smoothed his chin hastily.  ‘Have you done?’

‘Believe me, the instant I have an answer to my question, I have done.’

‘Name your question.’

’Very well, sir.  Now mark, I will be plain with you.  There is no escape for you from this.  You destroy my cousin’s professional prospects—­I request you to listen—­you blast his career in the navy; it was considered promising.  He was a gallant officer and a smart seaman.  Very well.  You set him up as a politician, to be knocked down, to a dead certainty.  You set him against his class; you embroil him with his family . . .’

‘On all those points,’ interposed Dr. Shrapnel, after dashing a hand to straighten his forelock; but Cecil vehemently entreated him to control his temper.

’I say you embroil him with his family, you cause him to be in everlasting altercation with his uncle Mr. Romfrey, materially to his personal detriment; and the question of his family is one that every man of sense would apprehend on the spot; for we, you should know, have, sir, an opinion of Captain Beauchamp’s talents and abilities forbidding us to think he could possibly be the total simpleton you make him appear, unless to the seductions of your political instructions, other seductions were added . . . .  You apprehend me, I am sure.’

‘I don’t,’ cried the doctor, descending from his height and swinging about forlornly.

’Oh! yes, you do; you do indeed, you cannot avoid it; you quite apprehend me; it is admitted that you take my meaning:  I insist on that.  I have nothing to say but what is complimentary of the young lady, whoever she may turn out to be; bewitching, no doubt; and to speak frankly, Dr. Shrapnel, I, and I am pretty certain every honest man would think with me, I take it to be ten times more creditable to my cousin Captain Beauchamp that he should be under a lady’s influence than under yours.  Come,

Project Gutenberg
Beauchamp's Career — Complete from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.