Vittoria — Complete eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 730 pages of information about Vittoria — Complete.

Vittoria — Complete eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 730 pages of information about Vittoria — Complete.

They entered upon a professional discussion of the ways and means of dealing with a revolutionary movement in the streets of a city like Milan, and passed on to the Piazza La Scala.  Weisspriess stopped before the Play-bills.  ‘To-morrow’s the fifteenth of the month,’ he said.  ’Shall I tell you a secret, Pierson?  I am to have a private peep at the new prima donna this night.  They say she’s charming, and very pert.  “I do not interchange letters with Germans.”  Benlomik sent her a neat little note to the conservatorio—­he hadn’t seen her only heard of her, and that was our patriotic reply.  She wants taming.  I believe I am called upon for that duty.  At least, my friend Antonio-Pericles, who occasionally assists me with supplies, hints as much to me.  You’re an engaged man, or, upon my honour, I wouldn’t trust you; but between ourselves, this Greek—­and he’s quite right—­is trying to get her away from the set of snuffy vagabonds who are prompting her for mischief, and don’t know how to treat her.’

While he was speaking Barto Rizzo pushed roughly between them, and with a black brush painted the circle about Vittoria’s name.

‘Do you see that?’ said Weisspriess.

‘I see,’ Wilfrid retorted, ’that you are ready to meddle with the reputation of any woman who is likely to be talked about.  Don’t do it in my presence.’

It was natural for Captain Weisspriess to express astonishment at this outburst, and the accompanying quiver of Wilfrid’s lip.

‘Austrian military etiquette, Lieutenant Pierson,’ he said, ’precludes the suspicion that the officers of the Imperial army are subject to dissension in public.  We conduct these affairs upon a different principle.  But I’ll tell you what.  That fellow’s behaviour may be construed as a more than common stretch of incivility.  I’ll do you a service.  I’ll arrest him, and then you can hear tidings of your precious letter.  We’ll have his confession published.’

Weisspriess drew his sword, and commanded the troopers in attendance to lay hands on Barto; but the troopers called, and the officer found that they were surrounded.  Weisspriess shrugged dismally.  ’The brute must go, I suppose,’ he said.  The situation was one of those which were every now and then occurring in the Lombard towns and cities, when a chance provocation created a riot that became a revolt or not, according to the timidity of the ruling powers or the readiness of the disaffected.  The extent and evident regulation of the crowd operated as a warning to the Imperial officers.  Weisspriess sheathed his sword and shouted, ’Way, there!’ Way was made for him; but Wilfrid lingered to scrutinize the man who, for an unaccountable reason, appeared to be his peculiar enemy.  Barto carelessly threaded the crowd, and Wilfrid, finding it useless to get out after him, cried, ‘Who is he?  Tell me the name of that man?’ The question drew a great burst of laughter around him, and exclamations of ‘Englishman!  Englishman!’ He turned where there was a clear way left for him in the track of his brother officer.

Project Gutenberg
Vittoria — Complete from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.