Evan Harrington — Complete eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 675 pages of information about Evan Harrington — Complete.

Evan Harrington — Complete eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 675 pages of information about Evan Harrington — Complete.

’By Jove, Ferdy, here is the fellow, and we’ve been all the way to Lymport!’

Evan started from his trance.

’It ‘s you, Harrington?’

‘Yes, Harry.’

‘Sir!’ exclaimed that youth, evidently flushed with wine, ’what the devil do you mean by addressing me by my Christian name?’

Laxley pushed his horse’s head in front of Harry.  In a manner apparently somewhat improved by his new dignity, he said:  ’We have ridden to Lymport to speak to you, sir.  Favour me by moving a little ahead of the lodge.’

Evan bowed, and moved beside him a short way down the lane, Harry following.

‘The purport of my visit, sir,’ Laxley began, ’was to make known to you that Miss Jocelyn has done me the honour to accept me as her husband.  I learn from her that during the term of your residence in the house, you contrived to extract from her a promise to which she attaches certain scruples.  She pleases to consider herself bound to you till you release her.  My object is to demand that you will do so immediately.’

There was no reply.

’Should you refuse to make this reparation for the harm you have done to her and her family,’ Laxley pursued, ’I must let you know that there are means of compelling you to it, and that those means will be employed.’

Harry, fuming at these postured sentences, burst out: 

’What do you talk to the fellow in that way for?  A fellow who makes a fool of my cousin, and then wants to get us to buy off my sister!  What’s he spying after here?  The place is ours till we troop.  I tell you there’s only one way of dealing with him, and if you don’t do it, I will.’

Laxley pulled his reins with a jerk that brought him to the rear.

’Miss Jocelyn has commissioned you to make this demand on me in her name?’ said Evan.

‘I make it in my own right,’ returned—­Laxley.  ‘I demand a prompt reply.’

’My lord, you shall have it.  Miss Jocelyn is not bound to me by any engagement.  Should she entertain scruples which I may have it in my power to obliterate, I shall not hesitate to do so—­but only to her.  What has passed between us I hold sacred.’

‘Hark at that!’ shouted Harry.  ’The damned tradesman means money!  You ass, Ferdinand!  What did we go to Lymport for?  Not to bandy words.  Here!  I’ve got my own quarrel with you, Harrington.  You’ve been setting that girl’s father on me.  Can you deny that?’

It was enough for Harry that Evan did not deny it.  The calm disdain which he read on Evan’s face acted on his fury, and digging his heels into his horse’s flanks he rushed full at him and dealt him a sharp flick with his whip.  Evan’s beast reared.

‘Accept my conditions, sir, or afford me satisfaction,’ cried Laxley.

‘You do me great honour, my lord; but I have told you I cannot,’ said Evan, curbing his horse.

At that moment Rose came among them.  Evan raised his hat, as did Laxley.  Harry, a little behind the others, performed a laborious mock salute, and then ordered her back to the house.  A quick altercation ensued; the end being that Harry managed to give his sister the context of the previous conversation.

Project Gutenberg
Evan Harrington — Complete from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.