Evan Harrington — Complete eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 675 pages of information about Evan Harrington — Complete.

Evan Harrington — Complete eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 675 pages of information about Evan Harrington — Complete.
Evan said that there was peace in Mr. Goren’s shop.  His sharp senses discerned in Andrew’s sneer a certain sincerity, and he revolted against it.  Mr John Raikes, too, burlesqued Society so well, that he had the satisfaction of laughing at his enemy occasionally.  The latter gentleman was still a pensioner, flying about town with the Countess de Saldar, in deadly fear lest that fascinating lady should discover the seat of his fortune; happy, notwithstanding.  In the mirror of Evan’s little world, he beheld the great one from which he was banished.

Now the dusk of a winter’s afternoon was closing over London, when a carriage drew up in front of Mr. Goren’s shop, out of which, to Mr. Goren’s chagrin, a lady stepped, with her veil down.  The lady entered, and said that she wished to speak to Mr. Harrington.  Mr. Goren made way for her to his pupil; and was amazed to see her fall into his arms, and hardly gratified to hear her say:  ’Pardon me, darling, for coming to you in this place.’

Evan asked permission to occupy the parlour.

‘My place,’ said Mr. Goren, with humble severity, over his spectacles, ‘is very poor.  Such as it is, it is at the lady’s service.’

Alone with her, Evan was about to ease his own feelings by remarking to the effect that Mr. Goren was human like the rest of us, but Caroline cried, with unwonted vivacity: 

’Yes, yes, I know; but I thought only of you.  I have such news for you!  You will and must pardon my coming—­that’s my first thought, sensitive darling that you are!’ She kissed him fondly.  ’Juliana Bonner is in town, staying with us!’

‘Is that your news?’ asked Evan, pressing her against his breast.

’No, dear love—­but still!  You have no idea what her fortune—­Mrs. Bonner has died and left her—­but I mustn’t tell you.  Oh, my darling! how she admires you!  She—­she could recompense you; if you would!  We will put that by, for the present.  Dear! the Duke has begged you, through me, to accept—­I think it ’s to be a sort of bailiff to his estates—­I don’t know rightly.  It’s a very honourable post, that gentlemen take:  and the income you are to have, Evan, will be near a thousand a year.  Now, what do I deserve for my news?’

She put up her mouth for another kiss, out of breath.

‘True?’ looked Evan’s eyes.

‘True!’ she said, smiling, and feasting on his bewilderment.

After the bubbling in his brain had a little subsided, Evan breathed as a man on whom fresh air is blown.  Were not these tidings of release?  His ridiculous pride must nevertheless inquire whether Caroline had been begging this for him.

‘No, dear—­indeed!’ Caroline asserted with more than natural vehemence.  ’It’s something that you yourself have done that has pleased him.  I don’t know what.  Only he says, he believes you are a man to be trusted with the keys of anything—­and so you are.  You are to call on him to-morrow.  Will you?’

Project Gutenberg
Evan Harrington — Complete from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.