Evan Harrington — Volume 2 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 103 pages of information about Evan Harrington — Volume 2.

Evan Harrington — Volume 2 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 103 pages of information about Evan Harrington — Volume 2.

‘Yes,’ answered Evan, ‘I have been to Poortigal.’

‘What’s the name o’ the capital o’ Portugal, sir?’ The man looked immensely shrewd, and nodding his consent at the laughing reply, added: 

’And there you was born, sir?  You’ll excuse my boldness, but I only does what’s necessary.’

Evan said he was not born there.

’No, not born there.  That’s good.  Now, sir, did you happen to be born anywheres within smell o’ salt water?’

‘Yes,’ answered Evan, ‘I was born by the sea.’

‘Not far beyond fifty mile from Fall’field here, sir?’

‘Something less.’

‘All right.  Now I’m cock sure,’ said the man.  ’Now, if you’ll have the kindness just to oblige me by—­’he sped the words and the instrument jointly at Evan, takin’ that there letter, I’ll say good-bye, sir, and my work’s done for the day.’

Saying which, he left Evan with the letter in his hands.  Evan turned it over curiously.  It was addressed to ’Evan Harrington, Esquire, T——­ of Lymport.’

A voice paralyzed his fingers:  the clear ringing voice of a young horsewoman, accompanied by a little maid on a pony, who galloped up to the carriage upon which Squire Uplift, Sir George Lowton, Hamilton Jocelyn, and other cavaliers, were in attendance.

‘Here I am at last, and Beckley’s in still!  How d’ ye do, Lady Racial?  How d’ ye do, Sir George.  How d’ ye do, everybody.  Your servant, Squire!  We shall beat you.  Harry says we shall soon be a hundred a-head of you.  Fancy those boys! they would sleep at Fallow field last night.  How I wish you had made a bet with me, Squire.’

‘Well, my lass, it’s not too late,’ said the Squire, detaining her hand.

’Oh, but it wouldn’t be fair now.  And I’m not going to be kissed on the field, if you please, Squire.  Here, Dorry will do instead.  Dorry ! come and be kissed by the Squire.’

It was Rose, living and glowing; Rose, who was the brilliant young Amazon, smoothing the neck of a mettlesome gray cob.  Evan’s heart bounded up to her, but his limbs were motionless.

The Squire caught her smaller companion in his arms, and sounded a kiss upon both her cheeks; then settled her in the saddle, and she went to answer some questions of the ladies.  She had the same lively eyes as Rose; quick saucy lips, red, and open for prattle.  Rolls of auburn hair fell down her back, for being a child she was allowed privileges.  To talk as her thoughts came, as well as to wear her hair as it grew, was a special privilege of this young person, on horseback or elsewhere.

Project Gutenberg
Evan Harrington — Volume 2 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.