Evan Harrington — Volume 2 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 103 pages of information about Evan Harrington — Volume 2.

Evan Harrington — Volume 2 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 103 pages of information about Evan Harrington — Volume 2.

’What ‘s the matter now?’ said Mrs. Mel.

Evan impatiently explained the case.  Mrs. Mel desired her daughter to avoid being ridiculous, and making two fools in her family; and at the same time that she told Evan there was no occasion for him to go, contrived, with a look, to make the advice a command.  He, in that state of mind when one takes bitter delight in doing an abhorred duty, was hardly willing to be submissive; but the despair of the Countess reduced him, and for her sake he consented to forego the sacrifice of his pride which was now his sad, sole pleasure.  Feeling him linger, the Countess relaxed her grasp.  Hers were tears that dried as soon as they had served their end; and, to give him the full benefit of his conduct, she said:  ‘I knew Evan would be persuaded by me.’

Evan pitifully pressed her hand, and sighed.

‘Tea is on the table down-stairs,’ said Mrs. Mel.  ’I have cooked something for you, Louisa.  Do you sleep here to-night?’

‘Can I tell you, Mama?’ murmured the Countess.  ’I am dependent on our Evan.’

‘Oh! well, we will eat first,’ said Mrs. Mel, and they went to the table below, the Countess begging her mother to drop titles in designating her to the servants, which caused Mrs. Mel to say: 

‘There is but one.  I do the cooking’; and the Countess, ever disposed to flatter and be suave, even when stung by a fact or a phrase, added: 

‘And a beautiful cook you used to be, dear Mama!’

At the table, awaiting them, sat Mrs. Wishaw, Mrs. Fiske, and Mr. Goren, who soon found themselves enveloped in the Countess’s graciousness.  Mr. Goren would talk of trade, and compare Lymport business with London, and the Countess, loftily interested in his remarks, drew him out to disgust her brother.  Mrs. Wishaw, in whom the Countess at once discovered a frivolous pretentious woman of the moneyed trading class, she treated as one who was alive to society, and surveyed matters from a station in the world, leading her to think that she tolerated Mr. Goren, as a lady-Christian of the highest rank should tolerate the insects that toil for us.  Mrs. Fiske was not so tractable, for Mrs. Fiske was hostile and armed.  Mrs. Fiske adored the great Mel, and she had never loved Louisa.  Hence, she scorned Louisa on account of her late behaviour toward her dead parent.  The Countess saw through her, and laboured to be friendly with her, while she rendered her disagreeable in the eyes of Mrs. Wishaw, and let Mrs. Wishaw perceive that sympathy was possible between them; manoeuvring a trifle too delicate, perhaps, for the people present, but sufficient to blind its keen-witted author to the something that was being concealed from herself, of which something, nevertheless, her senses apprehensively warned her:  and they might have spoken to her wits, but that mortals cannot, unaided, guess, or will not, unless struck in the face by the fact, credit, what is to their minds the last horror.

Project Gutenberg
Evan Harrington — Volume 2 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.