The Shaving of Shagpat; an Arabian entertainment — Complete eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 342 pages of information about The Shaving of Shagpat; an Arabian entertainment — Complete.

The Shaving of Shagpat; an Arabian entertainment — Complete eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 342 pages of information about The Shaving of Shagpat; an Arabian entertainment — Complete.

This was done, and the people applauded the wisdom of the King, and crowded forward with sharpness of expectation; but Baba Mustapha, when he felt in his hands the tackle, the familiar instruments, strength and wit returned to him in petty measures, and he thought, ’Perchance there’ll yet be time for my nephew to strike, if he fail me not; fool that I was to look for glory, and not leave the work to him, for this Shagpat is a mighty one, powerful in fleas, and it needeth something other than tackle to combat such as he.  A mighty one, said I? by Allah, he’s awful in his mightiness!’

So Baba Mustapha kept delaying, and feigned to sharpen the blade, and the King called to him, ’Haste! to the work! is it for thee, vile wretch, to make preparation for the accursed thing in our presence?’ And the people murmured and waxed impatient, and the King called again, ’Thou’lt essay this, thou wretch, without a head, let but another minute pass.’  So when Baba Mustapha could delay no longer, he sighed heavily and his trembling returned, and the power of Shagpat smote him with an invisible hand, so that he could scarce move; but dread pricked him against dread, and he advanced upon Shagpat to shear him, and assumed the briskness of the barber, and was in the act of bending over him to bring the blade into play, when, behold, one of the chamberlains of the King stood up in the presence and spake a word that troubled him, and the King rose and hurried to a balcony looking forth on the Desert, and on three sides of the Desert three separate clouds of dust were visible, and from these clouds presently emerged horsemen with spears and pennons and plumes; and he could discern the flashing of their helms and the glistening of steel-plates and armour of gold and silver.  Seeing this, the colour went from the cheeks of the King and his face became as a pinched pomegranate, and he cried aloud, ’What visitation’s this?  Awahy! we are beset, and here’s abasement brought on us without self-abasing!’ Meantime these horsemen detached themselves from the main bodies and advanced at a gallop, wheeling and circling round each other, toward the walls of the city, and when they were close they lowered their arms and made signs of amity, and proclaimed their mission and the name of him they served.  So tidings were brought to the King that the Lords of three cities, with vast retinues, were come, by reason of a warning, to pay homage to Shagpat, the son of Shimpoor; and these three cities were the cities of Oolb, and of Gaf, and of Shiraz, even these!

Now, when the King heard of it, he rejoiced with an exceeding joy, and arrayed himself in glory, and mounted a charger, the pride of his stables, and rode out to meet the Lords of the three cities surrounded by the horsemen of his guard.  And it was within half-a-mile of the city walls that the four sovereigns met, and dismounted and saluted and embraced, and bestowed on one another kingly flatteries, and the titles of

Project Gutenberg
The Shaving of Shagpat; an Arabian entertainment — Complete from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.