The Shaving of Shagpat; an Arabian entertainment — Volume 4 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 91 pages of information about The Shaving of Shagpat; an Arabian entertainment — Volume 4.

The Shaving of Shagpat; an Arabian entertainment — Volume 4 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 91 pages of information about The Shaving of Shagpat; an Arabian entertainment — Volume 4.

So Kadza whispered to Noorna, ’What’s that he’s muttering?  Is’t of Shagpat? for I mark him not here, nor the light by which he’s girt.’

She answered, ‘Listen with the ear and the eye and all the senses.’

Now, presently they heard Baba Mustapha say in a louder tone, like one that is secure from interruption, ’Two lathers, and this the third! a potent lather! and I wot there’s not a hair in this world resisteth the sweep of my blade over such a lather as—­Ah! flea of iniquity and abomination! what! am I doomed to thy torments?—­so let’s spread!  Lo! this lather, is’t not the pride of Shiraz? and the polish and smoothness it sheddeth, is’t not roseate? my invention! as the poet says,—­O accursed flea! now the knee-joint, now the knee-cap, and ’tis but a hop for thee to the arm-pit.  Fires of the pit without bottom seize thee! is no place sacred from thee, and art thou a restless soul, infernal flea?  So then, peace awhile, and here’s for the third lather.’

While he was speaking Baba Mustapha advanced to a large white object that sat motionless, upright like a snow-mound on a throne of cushions, and commenced lathering.  When she saw that, Kadza tossed up her head and her throat, and a shriek was coming from her, for she was ware of Shagpat; but Noorna stifled the shriek, and clutched her fast, whispering, ’He’s safe if thou have but patience, thou silly Kadza! and the flea will defeat this fellow if thou spoil it not.’

So Kadza said, looking up, ’Is ’t seen of Allah, and be the Genii still in their depths?’ but she constrained herself, peering and perking out her chin, and lifting one foot and the other foot, as on furnaces of fire in the excess of the fury she smothered.  And lo, Baba Mustapha worked diligently, and Shagpat was behind an exulting lather, even as one pelted with wheaten flour-balls or balls of powdery perfume, and his hairiness was as branches of the forest foliage bent under a sudden fall of overwhelming snow that filleth the pits and sharpeneth the wolves with hunger, and teacheth new cunning to the fox.  A fox was Baba Mustapha in his stratagems, and a wolf in the fierceness of his setting upon Shagpat.  Surely he drew forth the blade that was to shear Shagpat, and made with it in the air a preparatory sweep and flourish; and the blade frolicked and sent forth a light, and seemed eager for Shagpat.  So Baba Mustapha addressed his arm to the shearing, and inclined gently the edge of the blade, and they marked him let it slide twice to a level with the head of Shagpat, and at the third time it touched, and Kadza howled, but from Baba Mustapha there burst a howl to madden the beasts; and he flung up his blade, and wrenched open his robe, crying, ’A flea was it to bite in that fashion?  Now, I swear by the Merciful, a fang like that’s common to tigers and hyaenas and ferocious animals.’

Then looked he for the mark of the bite, plaining of its pang, and he could find the mark nowhere.  So, as he caressed himself, eyeing Shagpat sheepishly and with gathering awe, Noorna said hurriedly to Kadza, ’Away now, and call them in, the crowd about the palace, that they may behold the triumph of Shagpat, for ‘tis ripe, O Kadza!’

Project Gutenberg
The Shaving of Shagpat; an Arabian entertainment — Volume 4 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.