The Shaving of Shagpat; an Arabian entertainment — Volume 4 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 91 pages of information about The Shaving of Shagpat; an Arabian entertainment — Volume 4.

The Shaving of Shagpat; an Arabian entertainment — Volume 4 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 91 pages of information about The Shaving of Shagpat; an Arabian entertainment — Volume 4.

So Shafrac cried, ’By the beard of my fathers and that of Shagpat! let’s speak of this to Zeel, the garlic-seller.’

He broadened to one that was by him, and said, ’O Zeel, what’s thy mind?  Here’s a woman, a wise woman, a witch, and she sees danger to Shagpat in this deputation from Shiraz and this dish of pomegranate grain.’

Now, Zeel screwed his visage and gazed up into his forehead, and said, ‘’Twere best to consult with Bootlbac, the drum-beater.’

The two then called to Bootlbac, the drum-beater, and told him the matter, and Bootlbac pondered, and tapped his brow and beat on his stomach, and said, ’Krooz el Krazawik, the carrier, is good in such a case.’

Now, from Krooz el Krazawik, the carrier, they went to Dob, the confectioner; and from Dob, the confectioner, to Azawool, the builder; and from Azawool, the builder, to Tcheik, the collector of taxes; and each referred to some other, till perplexity triumphed and was a cloud over them, and the words, ‘Danger to Shagpat,’ went about like bees, and were canvassing, when suddenly a shrill voice rose from the midst, dominating other voices, and it was that of Kadza, and she cried, ’Who talks here of danger to Shagpat, and what wretch is it?’

Now, Tcheik pointed out Azawool, and Azawool Dob, and Dob Krooz el Krazawik, and he Bootlbac, and the drum-beater shrugged his shoulder at Zeel, and Zeel stood away from Shafrac, and Shafrac seized Noorna and shouted, ‘’Tis she, this woman, the witch!’

Kadza fronted Noorna, and called to her, ’O thing of infamy, what’s this talk of thine concerning danger to our glory, Shagpat?’

Then Noorna replied, ’I say it, O Kadza! and I say it; there’s danger threateneth him, and from that deputation and that dish of pomegranate grain.’

Now, Kadza laughed a loose laugh, and jeered at Noorna, crying, ’Danger to Shagpat! he that’s attended by Genii, and watched over by the greatest of them, day and night incessantly?’

And Noorna said, ’I ask pardon of the Power that seeth, and of thee, if I be wrong.  Wah! am I not also of them that watch over Shagpat?  So then let thou and I go into the palace and examine the doings of this deputation and this dish of pomegranate grain.’

Now, Kadza remembered the scene on the roofs of the Vizier Feshnavat, and relaxed in her look of suspicion, and said, ’’Tis well!  Let’s in to them.’

Thereupon the twain threaded through the crowd and locked at the portals of the palace, and it was opened to them and they entered, and lo! the hand that opened the portals was the hand of a slave of the Sword, and against corners of the Court leaned slaves silly with slumber.  So Kadza went up to them, and beat them, and shook them, and they yawned and mumbled, ‘Excellent grain! good grain! the grain of Shiraz!’ And she beat them with what might was hers, till some fell sideways and some forward, still mumbling, ‘Excellent pomegranate grain!’ Kadza was beside herself with anger and vexation at them, tearing them and cuffing them; but Noorna cried, ’O Kadza! what said I? there’s danger to Shagpat in this dish of pomegranate grain! and what’s that saying: 

Project Gutenberg
The Shaving of Shagpat; an Arabian entertainment — Volume 4 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.