The Shaving of Shagpat; an Arabian entertainment — Volume 4 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 91 pages of information about The Shaving of Shagpat; an Arabian entertainment — Volume 4.

The Shaving of Shagpat; an Arabian entertainment — Volume 4 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 91 pages of information about The Shaving of Shagpat; an Arabian entertainment — Volume 4.

Now, the Vizier cried, ‘Be the will of Allah achieved and consummated!’ and he was silenced by her wisdom and urgency, and sat where he was, diverting not the arch on his brow from its settled furrow.  He was as one that thirsteth, and whose eye hath marked a snake of swift poison by the water, so thirsted he for the Event, yet hung with dread from advancing; but Noorna bin Noorka busied herself about the roof, drawing circles to witness the track of an enemy, and she clapped her hands and cried, ‘Luloo!’ and lo, a fair slave-girl that came to her and stood by with bent head, like a white lily by a milk-white antelope; so Noorna clouded her brow a moment, as when the moon darkeneth behind a scud, and cried, ‘Speak! art thou in league with Karaz, girl?’

Luloo strained her hands to her temples, exclaiming, ’With the terrible Genie?—­I?—­in league with him? my mistress, surely the charms I wear, and the amulets, I wear them as a protection from that Genie, and a safeguard, he that carrieth off the maidens and the young sucklings, walking under the curse of mothers.’

Said Noorna, ‘O Luloo, have I boxed those little ears of thine this day?’

The fair slave-girl smiled a smile of submissive tenderness, and answered, ’Not this day, nor once since Luloo was rescued from the wicked old merchant by thy overbidding, and was taken to the arms of a wise kind sister, wiser and kinder than any she had been stolen from, she that is thy slave for ever.’

She said this weeping, and Noorna mused, ’’Twas as I divined, that wretched Kadza:  her grief ‘s to come!’ Then spake she aloud as to herself, ‘Knew I, or could one know, I should this day be a bride?’ And, hearing that, Luloo shrieked, ’Thou a bride, and torn from me, and we two parted? and I, a poor drooping tendril, left to wither? for my life is round thee and worthless away from thee, O cherisher of the fallen flower.’

And she sobbed out wailful verses and words, broken and without a meaning; but Noorna caught her by the arm and swung her, and bade her fetch on the instant a robe of blue, and pile in her chamber robes of amber and saffron and grey, bridal-robes of many-lighted silks, plum-coloured, peach-coloured, of the colour of musk mixed with pale gold, together with bridal ornaments and veils of the bride, and a jewelled circlet for the brow.  When this was done, Noorna went with Luloo to her chamber, attended by slave-girls, and arrayed herself in the first dress of blue, and swayed herself before the mirror, and rattled the gold pieces in her hair and on her neck with laughter.  And Luloo was bewildered, and forgot her tears to watch the gaiety of her mistress; and lo!  Noorna, made her women take off one set of ornaments with every dress, and with every dress she put on another set; and after she had gone the round of the different dresses, she went to the bathroom with Luloo, and at her bidding Luloo entered the bath beside Noorna,, and the twain dipped and shouldered in the blue water, and were as when a single star is by the full moon on a bright midnight pouring lustre about.  And Noorna splashed Luloo, and said, ’This night we shall not sleep together, O Luloo, nor lie close, thy bosom on mine.’

Project Gutenberg
The Shaving of Shagpat; an Arabian entertainment — Volume 4 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.