In Wicklow and West Kerry eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 112 pages of information about In Wicklow and West Kerry.
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In Wicklow and West Kerry eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 112 pages of information about In Wicklow and West Kerry.

These people are nearly always at war with the police, and are often harshly treated.  Once after a holiday, as I was walking home through a village on the border of Wicklow, I came upon several policemen, with a crowd round them, trying to force a drunken flower-woman out of the village.  She did not wish to go, and threw herself down, raging and kicking on the ground.  They let her lie there for a few moments, and then she propped herself up against the wall, scolding and storming at every one, till she became so outrageous the police renewed their attack.  One of them walked up to her and hit her a sharp blow on the jaw with the back of his hand.  Then two more of them seized her by the shoulders and forced her along the road for a few yards, till her clothes began to tear off with the violence of the struggle, and they let her go once more.

She sprang up at once when they did so.  ’Let this be the barrack’s yard, if you wish it,’ she cried out, tearing off the rags that still clung about her.  ’Let this be the barrack’s yard, and come on now, the lot of you.’

Then she rushed at them with extraordinary fury; but the police, to avoid scandal, withdrew into the town, and left her to be quieted by her friends.

Sometimes, it is fair to add, the police are generous and good-humoured.  One evening, many years ago, when Whit-Monday in Enniskerry was a very different thing from what it is now, I was looking out of a window in that village, watching the police, who had been brought in for the occasion, getting ready to start for Bray.  As they were standing about, a young ballad-singer came along from the Dargle, and one of the policemen, who seemed to know him, asked him why a fine, stout lad the like of him wasn’t earning his bread, instead of straying on the roads.

Immediately the young man drew up on the spot where he was, and began shouting a loud ballad at the top of his voice.  The police tried to stop him; but he went on, getting faster and faster, till he ended, swinging his head from side to side, in a furious patter, of which I seem to remember—­

Take the nation,
In the stable,
Cain and Abel,
Tower of Babel,
And the Battle of Waterloo.

Then he pulled off his hat, dashed in among the police, and did not leave them till they had all given him the share of money he felt he had earned for his bread.

In all the circumstances of this tramp life there is a certain wildness that gives it romance and a peculiar value for those who look at life in Ireland with an eye that is aware of the arts also.  In all the healthy movements of art, variations from the ordinary types of manhood are made interesting for the ordinary man, and in this way only the higher arts are universal.  Beside this art, however, founded on the variations which are a condition and effect of all vigorous life, there is another art—­sometimes confounded with it—­founded on the freak of nature, in itself a mere sign of atavism or disease.  This latter art, which is occupied with the antics of the freak, is of interest only to the variation from ordinary minds, and for this reason is never universal.  To be quite plain, the tramp in real life, Hamlet and Faust in the arts, are variations; but the maniac in real life, and Des Esseintes and all his ugly crew in the arts, are freaks only.

Project Gutenberg
In Wicklow and West Kerry from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.