A Romance of Two Worlds eBook

Marie Corelli
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 368 pages of information about A Romance of Two Worlds.

A Romance of Two Worlds eBook

Marie Corelli
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 368 pages of information about A Romance of Two Worlds.

“It may here be mentioned that few seem to grasp the fact of the special message to women intended to be conveyed in the person of the Virgin Mary.  She was actually one of the radiant Spirits of the Central Sphere, imprisoned by God’s will in woman’s form.  After the birth of Christ, she was still kept on earth, to follow His career to the end.  There was a secret understanding between Himself and her.  As for instance, when she found Him among the doctors of the law, she for one moment suffered her humanity to get the better of her in anxious inquiries; and His reply, ’Why sought ye Me?  Wist ye not that I must be about My Father’s business?’ was a sort of reminder to her, which she at once accepted.  Again, at the marriage feast in Cana of Galilee, when Christ turned the water into wine, He said to His mother, ‘woman, what have I to do with thee?’ which meant simply:  What have I to do with thee as woman merely?—­which was another reminder to her of her spiritual origin, causing her at once to address the servants who stood by as follows:  ’Whatsoever He saith unto you, do it.’  And why, it may be asked, if Mary was really an imprisoned immortal Spirit, sinless and joyous, should she be forced to suffer all the weaknesses, sorrows, and anxieties of any ordinary woman and mother?  Simply as an example to women who are the mothers of the human race; and who, being thus laid under a heavy responsibility, need sympathetic guidance.  Mary’s life teaches women that the virtues they need are—­obedience, purity, meekness, patience, long-suffering, modesty, self-denial, and endurance.  She loved to hold a secondary position; she placed herself in willing subjection to Joseph—­a man of austere and simple life, advanced in years, and weighted with the cares of a family by a previous marriage—­who wedded her by an influence which compelled him to become her protector in the eyes of the world.  Out of these facts, simple as they are, can be drawn the secret of happiness for women—­ a secret and a lesson that, if learned by heart, would bring them and those they love out of storm and bewilderment into peace and safety.

For those who have once become aware of the existence of the central sphere and of the electric ring surrounding it, and who are able to realise to the full the gigantic as well as minute work performed by the electric waves around us and within us, there can no longer be any doubt as to all the facts of Christianity, as none of them, viewed by the electric theory, are otherwise than in accordance with the Creator’s love and sympathy with even the smallest portion of His creation.

Project Gutenberg
A Romance of Two Worlds from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.