Personal Memoirs of General U. S. Grant — Complete eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 1,000 pages of information about Personal Memoirs of General U. S. Grant — Complete.

Personal Memoirs of General U. S. Grant — Complete eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 1,000 pages of information about Personal Memoirs of General U. S. Grant — Complete.


(33) NEAR COLD HARBOR, June 3, 1864, 7 A.M.

Commanding A. P.

The moment it becomes certain that an assault cannot succeed, suspend the offensive; but when one does succeed, push it vigorously and if necessary pile in troops at the successful point from wherever they can be taken.  I shall go to where you are in the course of an hour.


(34) COLD HARBOR, June 5,1864.

MAJOR-GENERAL HALLECK, Chief of Staff of the Army, Washington,
D. C.

A full survey of all the ground satisfies me that it would be impracticable to hold a line north-east of Richmond that would protect the Fredericksburg Railroad to enable us to use that road for supplying the army.  To do so would give us a long vulnerable line of road to protect, exhausting much of our strength to guard it, and would leave open to the enemy all of his lines of communication on the south side of the James.  My idea from the start has been to beat Lee’s army if possible north of Richmond; then after destroying his lines of communication on the north side of the James River to transfer the army to the south side and besiege Lee in Richmond, or follow him south if he should retreat.

I now find, after over thirty days of trial, the enemy deems it of the first importance to run no risks with the armies they now have.  They act purely on the defensive behind breastworks, or feebly on the offensive immediately in front of them, and where in case of repulse they can instantly retire behind them.  Without a greater sacrifice of human life than I am willing to make all cannot be accomplished that I had designed outside of the city.  I have therefore resolved upon the following plan: 

I will continue to hold substantially the ground now occupied by the Army of the Potomac, taking advantage of any favorable circumstance that may present itself until the cavalry can be sent west to destroy the Virginia Central Railroad from about Beaver Dam for some twenty-five or thirty miles west.  When this is effected I will move the army to the south side of the James River, either by crossing the Chickahominy and marching near to City Point, or by going to the mouth of the Chickahominy on north side and crossing there.  To provide for this last and most possible contingency, several ferry-boats of the largest class ought to be immediately provided.

Once on the south side of the James River, I can cut off all sources of supply to the enemy except what is furnished by the canal.  If Hunter succeeds in reaching Lynchburg, that will be lost to him also.  Should Hunter not succeed, I will still make the effort to destroy the canal by sending cavalry up the south side of the river with a pontoon train to cross wherever they can.

The feeling of the two armies now seems to be that the rebels can protect themselves only by strong intrenchments, whilst our army is not only confident of protecting itself without intrenchments, but that it can beat and drive the enemy wherever and whenever he can be found without this protection.

Project Gutenberg
Personal Memoirs of General U. S. Grant — Complete from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.