Supplementary Copyright Statutes, US Copy. Office eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 98 pages of information about Supplementary Copyright Statutes, US Copy. Office.

Supplementary Copyright Statutes, US Copy. Office eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 98 pages of information about Supplementary Copyright Statutes, US Copy. Office.

(2) The document should be clearly designated as ``Notice of Intent to Enforce a Copyright Restored under the Uruguay Round Agreements Act’’.

    (3) Notices of Intent to Enforce must include: 

    (i) Required information: 

(A) The title of the work, or if untitled, a brief description of the work;

(B) An English translation of the title if title is in a foreign language;

    (C) Alternative titles if any;

(D) Name of the copyright owner of the restored work, or of an owner of an exclusive right therein;

(E) The address and telephone number where the owner of copyright or the exclusive right therein can be reached; and

(F) The following certification signed and dated by the owner of copyright, or the owner of an exclusive right therein, or the owner’s authorized agent: 

I hereby certify that for each of the work(s) listed above, I am the copyright owner, or the owner of an exclusive right, or the owner’s authorized agent, the agency relationship having been constituted in a writing signed by the owner before the filing of this notice, and that the information given herein is true and correct to the best of my knowledge.

Name (printed or typed)-----------------------------------------------
As agent for (if applicable)------------------------------------------

    (ii) Optional but essential information: 

(A) Type of work (painting, sculpture, music, motion picture, sound recording, book, etc.);

    (B) Name of author(s);

    (C) Source country;

    (D) Approximate year of publication;

(E) Additional identifying information (e.g. for movies:  director, leading actors, screenwriter, animator; for photographs or books:  subject matter; for books:  editor, publisher, contributors);

(F) Rights owned by the party on whose behalf the Notice of Intent to Enforce is filed (e.g., the right to reproduce/distribute/publicly display/publicly perform the work, or to prepare a derivative work based on the work, etc.); and

(G) Telefax number at which owner, exclusive rights holder, or agent thereof can be reached.

(4) Notices of Intent to Enforce may cover multiple works provided that each work is identified by title, all the works are by the same author, all the works are owned by the identified copyright owner or owner of an exclusive right, and the rights owned by the party on whose behalf the Notice of Intent is filed are the same.  In the case of Notices of Intent to Enforce covering multiple works, the notice must separately designate for each work covered the title of the work, or if untitled, a brief description of the work; an English translation of the title if the title is in a foreign language; alternative titles, if any; the type of work; the source country; the approximate year of publication; and additional identifying information.

Project Gutenberg
Supplementary Copyright Statutes, US Copy. Office from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.