Memoirs of Gen. William T. Sherman — Complete eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 1,229 pages of information about Memoirs of Gen. William T. Sherman — Complete.

Memoirs of Gen. William T. Sherman — Complete eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 1,229 pages of information about Memoirs of Gen. William T. Sherman — Complete.
Cloud we breasted it manfully, and got back to Memphis by the 20th.  A chief part of the enterprise was to destroy the rebel cavalry commanded by General Forrest, who were a constant threat to our railway communications in Middle Tennessee, and I committed this task to Brigadier-General W. Sooy Smith.  General Hurlbut had in his command about seven thousand five hundred cavalry, scattered from Columbus, Kentucky, to Corinth, Mississippi, and we proposed to make up an aggregate cavalry force of about seven thousand “effective,” out of these and the twenty-five hundred which General Smith had brought with him from Middle Tennessee.  With this force General Smith was ordered to move from Memphis straight for Meridian, Mississippi, and to start by February 1st.  I explained to him personally the nature of Forrest as a man, and of his peculiar force; told him that in his route he was sure to encounter Forrest, who always attacked with a vehemence for which he must be prepared, and that, after he had repelled the first attack, he must in turn assume the most determined offensive, overwhelm him and utterly destroy his whole force.  I knew that Forrest could not have more than four thousand cavalry, and my own movement would give employment to every other man of the rebel army not immediately present with him, so that he (General Smith) might safely act on the hypothesis I have stated.

Having completed all these preparations in Memphis, being satisfied that the cavalry force would be ready to start by the 1st of February, and having seen General Hurlbut with his two divisions embark in steamers for Vicksburg, I also reembarked for the same destination on the 27th of January.

On the 1st of February we rendezvoused in Vicksburg, where I found a spy who had been sent out two weeks before, had been to Meridian, and brought back correct information of the state of facts in the interior of Mississippi.  Lieutenant-General (Bishop) Polk was in chief command, with headquarters at Meridian, and had two divisions of infantry, one of which (General Loring’s) was posted at Canton, Mississippi, the other (General French’s) at Brandon.  He had also two divisions of cavalry—­Armstrong’s, composed of the three brigades of Ross, Stark, and Wirt Adams, which were scattered from the neighborhood of Yazoo City to Jackson and below; and Forrest’s, which was united, toward Memphis, with headquarters at Como.  General Polk seemed to have no suspicion of our intentions to disturb his serenity.

Accordingly, on the morning of February 3d, we started in two columns, each of two divisions, preceded by a light force of cavalry, commanded by Colonel E. F. Winslow.  General McPherson commanded the right column, and General Hurlbut the left.  The former crossed the Big Black at the railroad-bridge, and the latter seven miles above, at Messinger’s.  We were lightly equipped as to wagons, and marched without deployment straight for Meridian, distant

Project Gutenberg
Memoirs of Gen. William T. Sherman — Complete from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.