May be you find it hard to understand the possibility of Scheming and carrying out so prolonged a vengeance as mine? If you that read these pages are English, I know it will seem to you well-nigh incomprehensible. The temperate blood of the northerner, combined with his open, unsuspicious nature, has, I admit, the advantage over us in matters of personal injury. An Englishman, so I hear, is incapable of nourishing a long and deadly resentment, even against an unfaithful wife—he is too indifferent, he thinks it not worth his while. But we Neapolitans, we can carry a “vendetta” through a life-time—ay, through generation after generation! This is bad, you say—immoral, unchristian. No doubt! We are more than half pagans at heart; we are as our country and our traditions have made us. It will need another visitation of Christ before we shall learn how to forgive those that despitefully use us. Such a doctrine seems to us a mere play upon words—a weak maxim only fit for children and priests. Besides, did Christ himself forgive Judas? The gospel does not say so!
When I reached my own apartments at the hotel I felt worn out and fagged. I resolved to rest and receive no visitors that day. While giving my orders to Vincenzo a thought occurred to me. I went to a cabinet in the room and unlocked a secret drawer. In it lay a strong leather case. I lifted this, and bade Vincenzo unstrap and open it. He did so, nor showed the least sign of surprise when a pair of richly ornamented pistols was displayed to his view.
“Good weapons?” I remarked, in a casual manner.
My vallet took each one out of the case, and examined them both critically.
“They need cleaning, eccellenza.”
“Good!” I said, briefly. “Then clean them and put them in good order. I may require to use them.”
The imperturbable Vincenzo bowed, and taking the weapons, prepared to leave the room.
He turned. I looked at him steadily.
“I believe you are a faithful fellow, Vincenzo,” I said.
He met my glance frankly.
“The day may come,” I went on, quietly, “when I shall perhaps put your fidelity to the proof.”