Five Thousand an Hour : how Johnny Gamble won the heiress eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 213 pages of information about Five Thousand an Hour .

Five Thousand an Hour : how Johnny Gamble won the heiress eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 213 pages of information about Five Thousand an Hour .

“I’ve come to close up the Wobbles transfer with you,” he stated.  “I am authorized formally to make over the property to you and to collect the two and a half million remaining to be paid.”

“Barring the slight difference of a million dollars the amount is correct,” replied Johnny dryly.  “I have the million and a half balance ready, but I had expected Mr. Birchard to come in and finish the transaction.”

“Birchard is not representing the Wobbleses,” Gresham politely informed him.  “I had a little talk with them on the Tuesday following the house-party at Courtney’s, and they decided to have me look after the matter instead.  By the way, I hunted for you everywhere on the day before the first payment was due, to tell you that the Wobbleses preferred to have the two and a half million paid all in one sum to-day; but since you were not in I didn’t trouble to leave you a note.  Very few men need to be told not to pay out money.”

“Do you mean to tell me that Mr. Birchard never has represented the Wobbles family in this matter?” Johnny managed to ask.

“Certainly not,” answered Gresham, widening his eyes.

“I have his signed authorization to act for them in the matter,” declared Johnny, remembering that circumstance with happy relief.

“You have?” inquired Gresham with great apparent surprise.  “Will you allow me to look at the paper?”

Johnny showed it to him triumphantly, but Gresham read it with a smile of contempt.

“I was correct in my suspicions of Birchard,” he stated.  “This document is a forgery.  I hope you did not pay him any money on the strength of it.”

Silently Johnny laid before him Birchard’s receipt, and a second later as he saw the gleam of gratification in Gresham’s eyes was sorry that he had done so.

“I am afraid that you have been swindled,” was Gresham’s altogether too sympathetic comment.  “However, that does not concern the business in hand.  This was the day appointed for the final settlement, and I have come prepared to make it with you.”

“You’ll have to wait,” declared Johnny bluntly, putting away the documents.

“I must call your attention to the fact that if you do not close this matter to-day my principals are at liberty to place the property upon the market again.”

“Advise them not to do so,” Johnny warned him.  “Under the circumstances I am certain that I can secure enough delay for investigation—­legally, if necessary.  I won’t move a step until I’ve looked into this.”

“Very well,” said Gresham easily, and walked out.

Johnny, in a consternation that was barely short of panic, immediately consulted Loring, and together they set out upon a search for the Wobbleses.  At their various hotels—­for no two of them put up at the same place—­it was discovered that they were severally “probably in the country at week-end parties”.  Tommy alone they found, but he knew so little and was so upset by what they told him that they were sorry he, too, had not attended a week-end party; and they left him gasping like a sea-lion, with his toupee down over his ear, and saying between gasps over and over again with perfectly vacant eyes:  “Eugene’s an ass!  Perfect ass, don’t you know!”

Project Gutenberg
Five Thousand an Hour : how Johnny Gamble won the heiress from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.