Poor, Dear Margaret Kirby eBook

Kathleen Norris
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 406 pages of information about Poor, Dear Margaret Kirby.

Poor, Dear Margaret Kirby eBook

Kathleen Norris
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 406 pages of information about Poor, Dear Margaret Kirby.

When her father died, a little wave of pity swept over Deaneville, and more than one kind-hearted woman took the five-mile drive down to the Bell Ranch ready to console and sympathize.  But no one saw her.  The girl, eighteen now, clung more to her solitude than ever, spending whole days and nights in lonely roaming over the marsh and the low meadows, like some frantic sick animal.

Only Johnnie Larabee, the warm-hearted little wife of the village hotel keeper, persevered and was rewarded by Shandon’s bitter confidence, given while they rode up to the ridge to look up some roaming steer, perhaps, or down by the peach-cutting sheds, while Shandon supervised a hundred “hands.”  Shandon laughed now when she recounted the events of those old unhappy childish days, but Johnnie did not like the laughter.  The girl always asked particularly for Mary Dickey, her admirers, her clothes, her good times.

“No wonder she acts as if there wasn’t anybody else on earth but her!” would be Shandon’s dry comment.

It was Johnnie who “talked straight” to Shandon when big Dan Waters began to haunt the Bell Ranch, and who was the only witness of their little wedding, and the only woman to kiss the unbride-like bride.

After that even, Johnnie lost sight of her for the twelve happy months that Big Dan was spared to her.  Little Dan came, welcomed by no more skillful hands than the gentle big ones of his wondering father and the practised ones of the old Indian.  And Shandon bought hats that were laughed at by all Deaneville, and was tremulously happy in a clumsy, unused fashion.

And then came the accident that cost Big Dan his life.  It was all a hideous blur to Shandon—­a blur that enclosed the terrible, swift trip to Sacramento, with the blinking little baby in the hollow of her arm, and the long wait at the strange hospital.  It was young Doctor Lowell, of Deaneville, who decided that only an operation could save Dan, and Doctor Lowell who performed it.  And it was through him that Shandon learned, in the chill dawn, that the gallant fight was lost.  She did not speak again, but, moving like a sleepwalker, reached blindly for the baby, pushed aside the hands that would have detained her, and went stumbling out into the street.  And since that day no one in Deaneville had been able to get close enough to speak to her.  She did not go to Dan’s funeral, and such sympathizers as tried to find her were rewarded by only desolate glimpses of the tall figure flitting along the edge of the marshes like a hunted bird.  A month old, little Danny accompanied his mother on these restless wanderings, and many a time his little mottled hand was strong enough to bring her safely home when no other would have availed.

Her old Chinese “boy” came into the village once a week, and paid certain bills punctiliously from a little canvas bag that was stuffed full of gold pieces; but Fong was not a communicative person, and Deaneville languished for direct news.  Johnnie, discouraged by fruitless attempts to have a talk with the forlorn young creature, had to content herself with sending occasional delicacies from her own kitchen and garden to Shandon, and only a week before this bright February morning had ventured a note, pinned to the napkin that wrapped a bowl of cream cheese.  The note read: 

Project Gutenberg
Poor, Dear Margaret Kirby from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.