Effects of Cross and Self Fertilisation in the Vegetable Kingdom eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 516 pages of information about Effects of Cross and Self Fertilisation in the Vegetable Kingdom.

Effects of Cross and Self Fertilisation in the Vegetable Kingdom eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 516 pages of information about Effects of Cross and Self Fertilisation in the Vegetable Kingdom.

Table 3/21.  Mimulus luteus.

Heights of Plants in inches: 

Column 1:  Number (Name) of Pot.

Column 2:  Plants raised from a Cross between different Flowers on the same Plant.

Column 3:  Plants raised from Flowers fertilised with their own Pollen.

Pot 1 :  17 :  17. 
Pot 1 :  9 :  3 1/8.

Pot 2 :  28 2/8 :  19 1/8. 
Pot 2 :  16 4/8 :  6. 
Pot 2 :  13 5/8 :  2.

Pot 3 :  4 :  15 6/8. 
Pot 3 :  2 2/8 :  10.

Pot 4 :  23 4/8 :  6 2/8. 
Pot 4 :  15 4/8 :  7 1/8.

Pot 5 :  7 :  13 4/8.

Pot 6 :  18 3/8 :  1 4/8. 
Pot 6 :  11 :  2.

Pot 7 :  21 :  15 1/8. 
Pot 7 :  11 6/8 :  11. 
Pot 7 :  12 1/8 :  11 2/8. 

Total :  210.88 :  140.75.

The fifteen crossed plants here average 14.05, and the fifteen self-fertilised plants 9.38 in height, or as 100 to 67.  But if all the plants under ten inches in height are struck out, the ratio of the eleven crossed plants to the eight self-fertilised plants is as 100 to 82.

On the following spring, some remaining seeds of the two lots were treated in exactly the same manner; and the measurements of the seedlings are given in Table 3/22.

Table 3/22.  Mimulus luteus.

Heights of Plants in inches: 

Column 1:  Number (Name) of Pot.

Column 2:  Plants raised from a Cross between different Flowers on the same Plant.

Column 3:  Plants raised from Flowers fertilised with their own Pollen.

Pot 1 :  15 1/8 :  19 1/8. 
Pot 1 :  12 :  20 5/8. 
Pot 1 :  10 1/8 :  12 6/8.

Pot 2 :  16 2/8 :  11 2/8. 
Pot 2 :  13 5/8 :  19 3/8. 
Pot 2 :  20 1/8 :  17 4/8.

Pot 3 :  18 7/8 :  12 6/8. 
Pot 3 :  15 :  15 6/8. 
Pot 3 :  13 7/8 :  17.

Pot 4 :  19 2/8 :  16 2/8. 
Pot 4 :  19 6/8 :  21 5/8.

Pot 5 :  25 3/8 :  22 5/8.

Pot 6 :  15 :  19 5/8. 
Pot 6 :  20 2/8 :  16 2/8. 
Pot 6 :  27 2/8 :  19 5/8.

Pot 7 :  7 6/8 :  7 6/8. 
Pot 7 :  14 :  8. 
Pot 7 :  13 4/8 :  7.

Pot 8 :  18 2/8 :  20 3/8. 
Pot 8 :  18 6/8 :  17 6/8. 
Pot 8 :  18 3/8 :  15 4/8. 
Pot 8 :  18 3/8 :  15 1/8. 

Total :  370.88 :  353.63.

Here the average height of the twenty-two crossed plants is 16.85, and that of the twenty-two self-fertilised plants 16.07; or as 100 to 95.  But if four of the plants in Pot 7, which are much shorter than any of the others, are struck out (and this would be the fairest plan), the twenty-one crossed are to the nineteen self-fertilised plants in height as 100 to 100.6—­that is, are equal.  All the plants, except the crowded

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Effects of Cross and Self Fertilisation in the Vegetable Kingdom from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.