Muller, Hermann, fertilisation of flowers by insects.
on Digitalis purpurea.
Linaria vulgaris.
Verbascum nigrum.
the common cabbage.
Papaver dubium.
Viola tricolor.
structure of Delphinium consolida.
of Lupinus lutea.
flowers of Pisum sativum.
on Sarothamnus scoparius not secreting nectar.
Apium petroselinum.
Borago officinalis.
red clover visited by hive-bees in Germany.
insects rarely visiting Fumaria officinalis.
comparison of lowland and alpine species.
structure of plants adapted to cross and self-fertilisation.
large conspicuous flowers more frequently visited
by insects than small
inconspicuous ones.
Solanum generally unattractive to insects.
Lamium album.
on anemophilous plants.
fertilisation of Plantago.
secretion of nectar.
instinct of bees sucking nectar.
bees frequenting flowers of the same species.
cause of it.
powers of vision and discrimination of bees.
Muller, Dr. H., hive-bees occasionally perforate the flower of Erica tetralix. calyx and corolla of Rhinanthus alecterolophus bored by Bombus mastrucatus.
Munro, Mr., some species of Oncidium and Maxillaria sterile with own pollen.
Nageli on odours attracting insects.
sexual relations.
Natural selection, effect upon self-sterility and self-fertilisation.
Naudin on number of pollen-grains necessary for fertilisation.
Petunia violacea.
Nectar regarded as an excretion.
Nemophila insignis. measurements. early flowering of crossed plant. effects of cross and self-fertilisation. seeds.
Nepeta glechoma.
Nicotiana glutinosa. — tabacum. measurements. cross with fresh stock. measurements. summary of experiments. superiority of crossed plants. early flowering. seeds. experiments on. self-fertile.
Nolana prostrata. measurements. crossed and self-fertilised plants. number of capsules and seeds. self-fertile.
Odours emitted by flowers attractive to insects.
Ogle, Dr., on Digitalis purpurea.
Phaseolus multiflorus.
perforation of corolla.
case of the Monkshood.
Onion, prepotency of other pollen.
Ononis minutissima. measurements. seeds. self-fertile.
Ophrys apifera.
— muscifera.
Oranges, spontaneous crossing.
excretion of saccharine matter.
Orchis, fly.
Origanum vulgare. measurements. early flowering of crossed plant. effects of intercrossing.
Paeony, number of pollen-grains.
Papaver alpinum. — argemonoides. — bracteatum. — dubium. — orientale. — rhoeas. — somniferum. — vagum. measurements. number of capsules. seeds. prepotency of other pollen.