two most precious of all the elements for the growth
of plants—but in the case of most open
flowers, a large quantity of pollen is consumed by
pollen-devouring insects, and a large quantity is
destroyed during long-continued rain. With many
plants this latter evil is guarded against, as far
as is possible, by the anthers opening only during
dry weather (10/7. Mr. Blackley observed that
the ripe anthers of rye did not dehisce whilst kept
under a bell-glass in a damp atmosphere, whilst other
anthers exposed to the same temperature in the open
air dehisced freely. He also found much more
pollen adhering to the sticky slides, which were attached
to kites and sent high up in the atmosphere, during
the first fine and dry days after wet weather, than
at other times: ‘Experimental Researches
on Hay Fever’ 1873 page 127.)—by the
position and form of some or all of the petals,—by
the presence of hairs, etc., and as Kerner has
shown in his interesting essay, by the movements of
the petals or of the whole flower during cold and wet
weather. (10/8. ‘Die Schutzmittel des Pollens’
1873.) In order to compensate the loss of pollen in
so many ways, the anthers produce a far larger amount
than is necessary for the fertilisation of the same
flower. I know this from my own experiments on
Ipomoea, given in the Introduction; and it is still
more plainly shown by the astonishingly small quantity
produced by cleistogene flowers, which lose none of
their pollen, in comparison with that produced by
the open flowers borne by the same plants; and yet
this small quantity suffices for the fertilisation
of all their numerous seeds. Mr. Hassall took
pains in estimating the number of pollen-grains produced
by a flower of the Dandelion (Leontodon), and found
the number to be 243,600, and in a Paeony 3,654,000
grains. (10/9. ‘Annals and Magazine of Natural
History’ volume 8 1842 page 108.) The editor
of the ‘Botanical Register’ counted the
ovules in the flowers of Wistaria sinensis, and carefully
estimated the number of pollen-grains, and he found
that for each ovule there were 7000 grains. (10/10.
Quoted in ‘Gardeners’ Chronicle’
1846 page 771.) With Mirabilis, three or four of the
very large pollen-grains are sufficient to fertilise
an ovule; but I do not know how many grains a flower
produces. With Hibiscus, Kolreuter found that
sixty grains were necessary to fertilise all the ovules
of a flower, and he calculated that 4863 grains were
produced by a single flower, or eighty-one times too
many. With Geum urbanum, however, according to
Gartner, the pollen is only ten times too much. (10/11.
Kolreuter ‘Vorlaufige Nachricht’ 1761
page 9. Gartner ‘Beitrage zur Kenntniss’
etc. page 346.) As we thus see that the open
state of all ordinary flowers, and the consequent loss
of much pollen, necessitate the development of so prodigious
an excess of this precious substance, why, it may
be asked, are flowers always left open? As many
plants exist throughout the vegetable kingdom which
bear cleistogene flowers, there can hardly be a doubt
that all open flowers might easily have been converted
into closed ones. The graduated steps by which
this process could have been effected may be seen at
the present time in Lathyrus nissolia, Biophytum sensitivum,
and several other plants. The answer to the above
question obviously is, that with permanently closed
flowers there could be no cross-fertilisation.