Sparrows: the story of an unprotected girl eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 616 pages of information about Sparrows.

Sparrows: the story of an unprotected girl eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 616 pages of information about Sparrows.

The two sisters’ dispositions were alike in one thing:  the good works they unostentatiously performed.  The sacrifices entailed by these had much contributed to their declining fortunes.  This unity of purpose did not stay them from occasionally exchanging embittered remarks when heated by difference of opinion.

When they sat down to breakfast, Helen poured out the coffee.

“What day does the West London Observer come out?” asked Annie, presently, of Mavis.

“Friday, I believe.”

“There should be some account of yesterday’s proceedings,” said Miss Helen.  “The very proper references which Mr Smiley made to our acquaintance with the late Mr Ruskin are worthy of comment.”

“I have never known the applause to be so hearty as it was yesterday,” remarked Annie, after she had eaten her first piece of toast.

“What is the matter, Mavis?” asked Miss Helen.

“A crumb stuck in my throat,” replied Mavis, saying what was untrue, as she bent over her plate.  This action was necessary to hide the smile that rose to her lips and eyes at the recollection of yesterday’s applause, to which Miss Annie had referred.  It had amused Mavis to notice the isolated clapping which followed the execution of an item, in the programme by a solitary performer; this came from her friends in the room.  The conclusion of a duet would be greeted by two patches of appreciation; whilst a pianoforte concerto, which engaged sixteen hands, merged the eight oases of applause into a roar of approval.

“How do you get to Paddington, Mavis?” asked Miss Helen, after she had finished her meagre breakfast.

“From Addison Road,” replied Mavis, who was still eating.

“Wouldn’t Shepherd’s Bush be better?” asked Annie, who was wondering if she could find accommodation for a further piece of toast.

“I always recommend parents to send their daughters from Paddington via Addison Road,” remarked Helen severely.

“There are more trains from Shepherd’s Bush,” persisted Annie.

“Maybe, dear Annie” (when relations between the sisters were strained, they made use of endearing terms), “but more genteel people live on the Addison Road connection.”

“But, Helen dear, the class of residence existing upon a line of railway does not enable a traveller to reach his or her destination the quicker.”

“I was not aware, dear Annie, that I ever advanced such a proposition.”

“Then there is no reason, dearest Helen, why Mavis shouldn’t reach Paddington by going to Shepherd’s Bush.”

“None, beyond the fact that it is decided that she shall travel by way of Addison Road.  Besides, Addison Road is nearer, dear.”

“But the exercise of walking to Shepherd’s Bush would do Mavis good after the fatigues of yesterday, Helen.”

“That is altogether beside the point, dear Annie.”

“I am never listened to,” complained her sister angrily.

Project Gutenberg
Sparrows: the story of an unprotected girl from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.