Two Expeditions into the Interior of Southern Australia — Volume 2 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 261 pages of information about Two Expeditions into the Interior of Southern Australia — Volume 2.

Two Expeditions into the Interior of Southern Australia — Volume 2 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 261 pages of information about Two Expeditions into the Interior of Southern Australia — Volume 2.
We saw several red kangaroos in the course of the day, and succeeded in killing one.  It certainly is a beautiful animal, ranging the wilds in native freedom.  The female and the kid are of a light mouse-colour.  Wild turkeys abound on this part of the Morumbidgee, but with the exception of a few terns, which are found hovering over the lagoons, no new birds had as yet been procured; and the only plant that enriched our collection, was an unknown metrosideros.  In crossing the extremity of the range, the wheels of the dray sunk deep into a yielding and coarse sandy soil, of decomposed granite, on which forest-grass prevailed in tufts, which, being far apart, made the ground uneven, and caused the animals to trip.  We rose at one time sufficiently high to obtain an extensive view, and had our opinions confirmed as to the level nature of the country we were so rapidly approaching.  From the N. to the W.S.W. the eye wandered over a wooded and unbroken interior, if I except a solitary double hill that rose in the midst of it, bearing S. 82 degrees W. distant 12 miles, and another singular elevation that bore S. 32 degrees W. called by the natives, Kengal.  The appearance to the E.S.E. was still that of a mountainous country, while from the N.E., the hills gradually decrease in height, until lost in the darkness of surrounding objects to the northward.  We did not travel this day more than 13 miles on a W. by N. course.  The Morumbidgee, where we struck it, by its increased size, kept alive our anticipations of its ultimately leading us to some important point.  The partial rains that had fallen while we were on its upper branch, had swollen it considerably, and it now rolled along a vast body of water at the rate of three miles an hour, preserving a medium width of 150 feet; its banks retaining a height far above the usual level of the stream.  A traveller who had never before descended into the interior of New Holland, would have spurned the idea of such a river terminating in marshes; but with the experience of the former journey, strong as hope was within my breast, I still feared it might lose itself in the vast flat upon which we could scarcely be said to have yet entered.  The country was indeed taking up more and more every day the features of the N.W. interior.  Cypresses were observed upon the minor ridges, and the soil near the river, although still rich, and certainly more extensive than above, was occasionally mixed with sand, and scattered over with the claws of crayfish and shells, indicating its greater liability to be flooded; nor indeed could I entertain a doubt that the river had laid a great part of the levels around us under water long after it found that channel in which nature intended ultimately to confine it.  We killed another fine red kangaroo in the early part of the day, in galloping after which I got a heavy fall.

Project Gutenberg
Two Expeditions into the Interior of Southern Australia — Volume 2 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.