An Enquiry Concerning the Principles of Morals eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 167 pages of information about An Enquiry Concerning the Principles of Morals.

An Enquiry Concerning the Principles of Morals eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 167 pages of information about An Enquiry Concerning the Principles of Morals.

But all prospect of success in life, or even of tolerable subsistence, must fail, where a reasonable frugality is wanting.  The heap, instead of increasing, diminishes daily, and leaves its possessor so much more unhappy, as, not having been able to confine his expences to a large revenue, he will still less be able to live contentedly on a small one.  The souls of men, according to Plato [Footnote:  Phaedo.], inflamed with impure appetites, and losing the body, which alone afforded means of satisfaction, hover about the earth, and haunt the places, where their bodies are deposited; possessed with a longing desire to recover the lost organs of sensation.  So may we see worthless prodigals, having consumed their fortune in wild debauches, thrusting themselves into every plentiful table, and every party of pleasure, hated even by the vicious, and despised even by fools.

The one extreme of frugality is avarice, which, as it both deprives a man of all use of his riches, and checks hospitality and every social enjoyment, is justly censured on a double account.  Prodigality, the other extreme, is commonly more hurtful to a man himself; and each of these extremes is blamed above the other, according to the temper of the person who censures, and according to his greater or less sensibility to pleasure, either social or sensual.

Qualities often derive their merit from complicated sources.  Honesty, fidelity, truth, are praised for their immediate tendency to promote the interests of society; but after those virtues are once established upon this foundation, they are also considered as advantageous to the person himself, and as the source of that trust and confidence, which can alone give a man any consideration in life.  One becomes contemptible, no less than odious, when he forgets the duty, which, in this particular, he owes to himself as well as to society.

Perhaps, this consideration is one chief source of the high blame, which is thrown on any instance of failure among women in point of chastity.  The greatest regard, which can be acquired by that sex, is derived from their fidelity; and a woman becomes cheap and vulgar, loses her rank, and is exposed to every insult, who is deficient in this particular.  The smallest failure is here sufficient to blast her character.  A female has so many opportunities of secretly indulging these appetites, that nothing can give us security but her absolute modesty and reserve; and where a breach is once made, it can scarcely ever be fully repaired.  If a man behave with cowardice on one occasion, a contrary conduct reinstates him in his character.  But by what action can a woman, whose behaviour has once been dissolute, be able to assure us, that she has formed better resolutions, and has self-command enough to carry them into execution?

Project Gutenberg
An Enquiry Concerning the Principles of Morals from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.